Valjas cash office spend up less than 8 weeks on 30 days cash forecast

Päivi Kangasmäki
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2021

Valjas selected superior riskrate 30 days cash forecast for its Customers and expanded to cash services.

The energetic Valjas team serves small companies, growth companies, and large companies.

“Our clients are demanding and growing software companies like Jobilla and Readpeak, which have used data analytics and software in marketing, headhunting, recruitment, and engineering for a long time. It is a natural shift to data-driven cash forecasting.”

Pasi Tasanen is the CEO and Founder of Valjas, an accounting and cash office. Pasi’s team helps growth entrepreneurs with cash forecasting and number analysis. In the current economic crisis, Pasi’s work is now more critical than ever for many CEOs and companies. At the same time, the software will drastically change the financial services provided by Pasi and Valjas team in the coming years.

Why did you decide to expand into cash services?

Cash forecasting is usually done with Excel, which is laborious, expensive, and time-consuming. Imagine, that the manual cash forecasting for smaller customers can cost more than the rest of the financial administration. This means that only a few small-size businesses being able to purchase the service, even if the need is high.

The 100% automatic riskrate 30 days cash forecast, using data fusion and machine learning, is a cost-effective solution for smaller businesses too. With 8 minutes of onboarding and a 100% automatic cash forecast, the Valjas team is able to effectively interpret the numbers and find solutions that can even improve Cash and bring more liquidity to the Customer.

“A superior riskrate 30 days cash forecast using data fusion and machine learning is a cost-effective solution also for smaller businesses. That’s why we chose riskrate for our Customers.”

Why do Customers choose Valjas?

The awesome growth company Jobilla, a 100% digital headhunting service, has grown and expanded into new markets together with Valjas.

Our customers are demanding and growing software companies such as Jobilla, the international Digital Headhunting, and HR Branding -solution and Readpeak, the fastest-growing native advertising platform in the Nordic countries, which have used data analytics and software in headhunting, marketing, recruitment, and engineering for a long time. It is a natural shift to data-driven cash forecasting.

Valjas is Readpeak’s financial partner. Founded by Tomas Forsbäck, Readpeak is a great, fastest-growing native advertising platform in the Nordic countries.

Valjas offers its customers modern financial tools and competitive, personal service for taxation, financial negotiations, or even new market opening.

“I believe that acquiring, scrubbing, and structuring financial data will make CFOs work more strategically in the coming years. This means that the role of a traditional accounting firm shifts from record-keeping to value-creating services.”

As an entrepreneur, how do you see an ongoing change in the financial industry?

Sales, marketing, and engineering tools have been upgraded over the last 5–10 years. The economic crisis has created a need for more efficient data insights and forecasting, also for finance tools. I believe that acquiring, scrubbing, and structuring financial data will make CFOs work more strategically in the coming years. This means that the role of a traditional accounting firm shifts from record-keeping to value-creating services.

In practice, this means that technology replaces manual work, and machine learning streamlines repetitive economic routines such as accounting and approval of purchase invoices. It is possible that in the next years one accountant can serve up to 100 clients.

It’s clear, that some customers want the mandatory bureaucracy, statutory accounting, as cheaply as possible. At the same time, however, a new, value-creating business is emerging for accounting and cash office.

I believe that new fintech innovation allows producing more value for the customer with better data insights and less time. Because of this, the personal CFO service will be further emphasized and will become a strategic financial advisory to more clients.

Congratulations and all the best to the future Pasi and Valjas team!

Valjas is a modern digital accounting and cash office. riskrate is a superior 30 days cash forecast using data fusion and machine learning.

