Goblins are Wild at Risqué Riches


I loved my life in Goblin Combe, enjoying the “company” not only of the goblins, including the Goblin King, but also of other “folk” from near and far. It was like a whole other world where ancient gods and goddesses lived their lives in peace, although I knew many of them lived in the mundane world as well.

On occasion I would also leave Goblin Combe to continue my studies, and also talk to people that understood the modern world, unlike the goblins! One avenue for contact was through social media, which was considered an appropriate avenue of contact for young academics. However, I met so many other people with more intriguing interests. One of these people was Maia.

Maia and I agreed on many important things, like Gollum, etymology, and roasted potatoes. She also had a very cute dog of which she regularly posted images. It was also clear that she was also a total nerd, like me, but a very sexy one. She seemed to keep her identity secret, as did I, but would allow the occasional photo of her sweet lips, and her lovely dimpled smile. Then, through some silly meme passing around, I found she was a Scorpio.

I have always been interested in astrology, really just for fun. But I have always thought it was a good idea to know where the Scorpios were in my life. You don’t want to inadvertently sit on one or anything. I suspected it may have also meant that under the sweetly sexy nerdish exterior, was a sex-bomb about to go off. Hence I kept a closer eye on her posts.

So it was that I noticed her excitement over a clandestine project she had started. She was always vague about it, so I asked her directly.

“Well, it’s a very private club that is a casino, and, well, other stuff happens there.”

“Is this a sex club, Maia?”

“Oh! How did you know?”

“I have this theory that all Scorpios work towards owning a sex club one day. Tell me more about it.”

So she did. It sounded intriguing. It was indeed a casino, something I knew little about, but the stakes were all sexual. Like a high-commitment game of strip-poker writ large.

“Have you ever thought of doing a masquerade night? Everyone wearing masks would probably increase their willingness to do kinky stuff in public. If you do I will come.”


“Yes, and I could bring a few friends. Have a bit of fun.”

“Really? You know people that would be into this sort of thing?”

“My dear Maia, I am the Queen of the Goblins! Naiads and dryads are in my train, incubi are in my DM’s, and I have succubi on speed dial!”

“Haha!” Maia laughed. “You are such a nerd!” I laughed with her, my fellow nerd.

“If you only knew,” I said, but I was not saying any more!

Maia talked to the others that had created this intriguing club, and they all agreed that a masquerade night would indeed be a fun idea. I told Maia that the ladies I brought would be inconspicuous, but I planned to put on a bit of a show with my male friends if that was okay. She agreed.

Maia was rather worried closer to the night, offering to organise accommodation and taxis, and to meet me beforehand. I told her not to worry, we will just appear when we are least expected. I just needed to know that there was a changing room with mirrors, and indeed there were many. One of these was booked for my party.

“I promise, you will like it,” I told her.

As I had predicted, the idea of a masquerade night at the Risqué Riches Casino was very popular. Many members who had modestly lurked before, observing from the whispering margins of the crowd, hoped to become a part of the spectacle of lust that night. But still, my entrance was unexpected.

The main room of the casino was gracious and luxurious, as one would expect. Wheels clattered and cards shuffled, while the elegant assembly engaged in a susurrus of desire, planning their evening of pleasure. In the background some form of inoffensive jazz music played. But then the music stopped, the whispers ceased, and eyes were drawn to one of the entrances.

There stood a woman flanked by four tall men, all robed in long cloaks of a beautiful shining green, and they all wore elaborate masks. The woman had a long mane of black curling hair, and her mask was in the form of an owl, while the men wore grotesque goblin masks, complete with ears.

Dance of the Knights from Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet

Then, as music the started again with the “Dance of the Knights” from Prokofiev’s Romeo & Juliet, the five cloaked figures moved forward in synchronised unison. They continued until they were nearer the crowd of players, then paused again. Having now attracted everyone’s attention, the woman threw back her cloak to show that under it she was completely naked, much to the approval of the onlookers. Then the four men with her did the same, and the gasps of approval this time mostly came from the ladies, for the four gentlemen were very well endowed indeed.

The woman now stepped forward again, synchronous with the music, striding confidently despite her nakedness. The men with her took up a V-shaped formation beside her, creating a wedge as she moved through the crowd to her intended target.

Maia stood there behind her usual mask, the large round spectacles that she always wore. She had told everyone that as one of the proprietors she should be recognisable, but in truth the spectacles were the mask that she always hid behind, that covered up the seething morass of desire that flowed from her soul. Like everyone else she stood still as the naked woman in the green cloak approached her.

“Hello Maia,” said the woman.

“Bellisima, is that you?”

“Yes,” for it was indeed me. I then showed her what was in my hand. It was a black leather slave collar, with a single steel ring. I placed it on the card table by which we stood.

“Two cards, one for the lady, and one for me,” I told the dealer. He complied, laying a card near me, and another near Maia, one on each side of the collar. “High card wins. Are you in?” Her glasses were getting steamed up, but she nodded. Slowly my hand moved towards my card and turned it over.

“Eight of Clubs!” called the dealer. There was a muttering amongst the crowd.

I looked at Maia. Her eyes were wide behind the steamed up spectacles. At a glacial pace her hand moved towards her card, and then quickly turned it over.

“Three of Hearts!” The crowd groaned or chuckled, depending on their inclination. Maia bit her lip as she looked back at me, those soft sweet lips. I could see her breast heave with anticipation. I stepped forward to stand closer, and reached for the collar. As I buckled the collar around her neck, I spoke so that all could hear.

“You are now mine, to do with as I wish. Understood?” She nodded, her eyes even wider. I then attached a leash to her collar, and led her to a raised part of the room.

In times past there was probably live music here, perhaps a piano. Now it was just an elevated part of the room, but a stage ideally situated for a spectacle. I stood Maia in the centre of the stage, and my gentlemen stood around her. In unison we all allowed our cloaks to fall to the floor, standing naked around her. My men were clearly now aroused, their impressive members slowly rising to attention.

“Strip her,” I told them. Again the gathering crowd approved, and whispered their speculations.

“What will they do with her?” someone asked as Maia’s dress fell to the floor.

“Everything,” said a woman whose deep sexy voice I recognised, as Maia’s breasts were exposed to the room.

“Thanks for giving it away, Belili,” I thought, as Maia’s panties were pulled down. The naked men in goblin masks produced rope, and lines were brought down from rings in the ceiling, and from other rings in the floor. Maia looked with confusion and concern as she had not noticed these rings before, but now her limbs were being tied to them.

Before the whole enthusiastic audience, Maia was now stretched, her legs apart, her arms stretched up towards the ceiling, her body naked and exposed for the amusement and delight of all.

I now turned to the audience as Maia writhed.

“Good evening! My name is Bellisima. My friends are Toby who is accomplished at what he likes to call ‘The Cunning English’.” Toby bowed to the admiring audience, or mostly to the ladies, the men seemed uninterested. “Bob, who is a Master of shibari bondage.” Bob now also bowed. “Nobby is an adept with the birch switch, and other devices.” Gallantly Nobby saluted with the whippy stick in his hand, and also bowed. “Their leader is known as Cob, his attributes are obvious.” Cob stood forward, hands on hips, and nodded to the crowd in acknowledgment. “Toby and Nobby will assist me for now with Maia, however Bob and Cob will pass amongst you with a pack of cards. If they offer you the pack, and you draw a card they will then also draw a card. The person drawing the highest card will decide who will choose your activity. Thank you, I will now return to the lovely Maia.”

Bob and Cob walked down to the group, and it could be seen that a number of the ladies present were quite intrigued by then, although some already had male partners in tow. However, amongst all the other people I had met as the Goblin Queen there were these charming ladies from the ancient world who had the ability to entrance any man. Succubi they were often called, although it was unwise to call these ancient goddesses by that name to their face. Hence if any lady wished to dally with my gentlemen, any other man that would wish to interfere would suddenly find himself with an irresistible offer.

Maia still writhed, helpless in her bonds. Most of the eyes in the room were fixed on her, watching her lovely voluptuous form wriggle vainly against Bob’s excellent ropework. She eyed me nervously as I approached, her breast heaving, her nipples reaching out to welcome my attention. I stood close, and looked into her lovely eyes through those spectacles. Slowly my hands went toward her face, and gently removed her mask. She blinked, her sweet lips pouting that I had stripped her of her last defence, and I kissed her. Long and hard and deep our mouths came together, and she returned my kiss with a deep hunger.

But that kiss was also a signal. Toby’s head rose between her thighs, spread apart by the ropes, and he licked her hot wet pussy. She groaned then as we kissed, her mouth open to my deeply probing tongue. Yet that was not all. As Toby’s expert tongue and probing fingers explored her, there was a swish and Nobby’s switch stung Maia’s lovely bottom. Her cry was stifled by my kisses, but not so the chuckles of the onlookers. Toby continued to work on Maia’s helpless body, his skill slowly developing the perfect combination of tongue and finger to help her ascend higher and higher into ecstasy. Nobby’s switch was not too punishing, nor too often delivered. It merely added spice to the main meal as Toby ate and ate, gorging on Maia’s lust. I continued to kiss her as she groaned, my hands lightly dancing across her skin like fairies tripping through the mist. A tweak here, a caress there, adding to the crescendo as she started to shake with orgasm.

Maia cried out to all the gods of past, present, and future as wave after wave of orgasm swept over her. They crushed her, but lifted her to new heights as she soared in a state of ecstasy. She cried out for us to stop, but we went on and on, relentless, merciless. Then I realised that in all the excitement I had not arranged a safe word.

Slowly we eased off, and brought Maia down from soaring over the clouds. Gently she was untied, and she collapsed in my arms. Nobby and Toby helped me carry her to a nice plush sofa, where I sat with her head in my lap, her body covered with my cloak.

This, of course, meant that Nobby and Toby were free to offer their services to other ladies. Soon there was the sound of women making loud theological exclamations while in a state of ecstasy, or crying out at the sting of Nobby’s switch. I gently returned Maia’s spectacles to her nose.

“Sorry, I forgot to ask about a safe word!” I said some time later. “So if we had one, would you have used it?”

“Ummm, maybe?” She wasn’t at all sure.

“I will have to think about what we will do to you next time.”

“But what if you lose the draw?”

“I never lose!” and I kissed her again.

Our reverie was quickly ended by a blood-curdling scream. It came from a private room off of the main room, and Maia, suddenly very alert, came with me to investigate.

“Green!” said the woman. “He…he was green!! And little!! And disappeared through the mirror!!”

“What on earth are you talking about?” said Maia.

“The man! He was going down on me, and it was ssoooo good, but I pulled really hard on his mask and it came off ! And he changed into a little green demon or something!”

“Riiight,” I said, unconvinced. No one was convinced, although it may not have been helpful that all of the men that had accompanied me had now strangely disappeared. Things did, however, settle down. People had enjoyed the show, the ladies had enjoyed the attentions of my companions, and no significant male partner of the happy ladies had any complaints, either.

I sat for a while with Maia in her office. Her fatigue from my fun with her had returned, but she was still slightly disturbed. My friend Belili came to tell me that she and her sisters were now leaving.

“All good? No curses, right?” she smiled. She was my height, build, and colouring, we could be sisters. However, we were not.

“Oh we never curse them,” she said, smiling seductively. “We just give them happy memories.”

“Yes,” I thought as she turned and left. “Happy memories that make them obsess for the rest of their lives.”

“So Bellisima,” said Maia when I returned to her. “You aren’t a goblin queen with a following of goblin men, and magical masks that turn you all into humans, are you?” I smiled, and removed my mask.

“I assure you, Maia. I am a perfectly normal human being. Okay, I’ll tell you the truth. I’m actually a clone, the original me was abducted by aliens.” She smiled.

“You really should write these nerdgasms of yours down!”

“Haha! You’re the nerd, nerd!”


Satisfied that she had recovered, I wrapped my cloak around me, reinstated my mask, and left. No-one saw me leave the building, but that never became a problem.

More about Bella and Goblin Combe

More about Belili

More about Bellisima’s abduction by aliens

Find other Risqué Riches stories here!



Bellisima Madrigale
Risqué Riches — “Adult” Casino

I am a young (18+) she/they aspiring writer. I have been writing for some years (don't ask), but now I am writing erotica on Medium!