Read 11 Reasons Why Companies Need To Adopt E-POD Features Below!

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5 min readJul 12, 2021

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For those of you who often handle distribution matters, you must be familiar with the term Proof of Delivery (POD). POD is an important document as proof that the driver has completed the task of delivering goods so that invoices can be submitted to the customer.

In the current era of digitalization, everything is required to be fast, easy, and cheap. Integration is done to cause the information to be able to be updated in real-time. The previous POD system had various shortcomings, including sending physical documents that could take days, manual data collection which might potentially cause back-office errors, resulting in late payments.

These problems can be solved by implementing the technology in the POD system into an Electronic POD system (E-POD). Drivers can complete tasks electronically by recording proof of documentation of electronic transmission of signatures, photos, and additional notes via their respective mobile phones. In addition, the date, time, and GPS coordinates are automatically recorded for all arrivals and departures. This real-time visibility can minimize errors in data collection that can cause payment delays and other problems.

A survey from Macola states that automation in business processes will increase revenue by 77%, manufacturers who have automated their business processes usually have higher average income than those who have not. Will adapting the E-POD system make business profits bigger? Check out the following 11 points!

1. Reduce shipping costs and paper usage

The use of E-POD makes stakeholders (drivers, customers, admin staff) no longer need to send physical documents in the form of paper as proof of delivery. The cost of sending and buying a paper can be kept as low as possible. In addition, the manual POD system usually takes 3 business days to process the documents sent, not to mention the time required to perform manual data collection. Eliminating the process of printing and sending documents means reducing the use of fuel and paper in everyday life.

2. Communication becomes more effective and efficient

With the E-POD, customers no longer need to call many times to ensure that goods are delivered safely. Tracking can be done anytime and anywhere, including the sending of E-POD can be done immediately after the goods are received. This will, of course, also save on calling charges.

3. Real-time tracking

Real-time delivery tracking allows stakeholders to find out the latest information about conditions in the field. Constraints are easier to identify, and solutions can be found immediately. For example, if the driver fails to pick up the load because the loading queue is full, the admin staff will immediately act to find a solution for the relevant customer.

4. Eliminate the complexity of the company’s internal bureaucracy

In carrying out the company’s business activities, “approval” policy procedures involving various departments are generally implemented. This bureaucracy certainly makes the company take longer to process documents. It’s a different story if you use the E-POD, when the electronic evidence has been received by the admin staff, the invoice can be processed immediately by the finance department. The work is getting easier, there is no need to come to the office to receive, record, return documents, and arrange for the bureaucracy.

5. Increase productivity

Technology is created to ease human work. With technology, a job can be completed more easily and quickly. Time, mind, and energy can be used to do various jobs at once. By using the E-POD, drivers can send more goods than just sending POD documents to the office. Administrative staff can also complete other work instead of having to do manual data input.

6. Facilitate report generation for continuous improvement

A company generally always makes continuous improvements. Improvements can be made by making an analysis first. Improvement analysis can be made properly only if valid data reports are possessed. Through the E-POD, all delivery data can be recorded and structured by minimizing errors without the need to enter data one by one. Reports can be obtained more simply with one click. Trend analysis and problem identification can be obtained at any time through the retrieval of data to be displayed on the dashboard.

7. Facilitate coordination between departments

The E-POD can be integrated with the company’s business system so as to provide valid data that is useful for improving each department’s performance so that each can collaborate for the company’s better business performance.

8. Improve security

With the E-POD, customers can track shipments until they are absolutely sure the goods have been received at the right time or by the right person. Security can be improved by minimizing document forgery by sending photographic evidence and digital signatures. In addition, documents with digital signatures are also kept more confidential, not easily lost or damaged.

9. Minimize fraud

Proof of delivery can prevent potential fraud. If there is a dispute between the customer and the driver, the E-POD can provide factual and actual evidence so that it can pinpoint the location of the error and protect the innocent party from accusations of fraud. One of the electronic pieces of evidence is a photo of the driver delivering the goods to the destination.

10. Calculation is more accurate

The E-POD helps companies improve the accuracy of shipping and return information. The data in the E-POD such as the number of loads, loading and unloading points, customer and driver identities will be recorded in software so that accumulated reports can be recorded more accurately and minimize errors.

11. Strengthen the company’s cashflow

It is common knowledge that the logistics business requires the large cost of capital. Customers generally make the required payments on a due date, for example 30 days after receipt of the invoice. However, drivers always ask for travel expenses in advance to buy gas, tolls, and food and drinks while on the road. The time difference between the customers’ payments and the travel expenses makes the company need to manage cash flow properly.

In the presence of the E-POD, the company can strengthen cash flow. Proof of delivery that is received quickly will make it easier for the Finance department to generate invoices and invoice customers.

So, that’s 11 points why the E-POD will benefit your logistics business! The E-POD can increase competitive advantage in this fast-paced era. Companies can also empower resources to reap more profits, maximize time to do more important things, and reduce unnecessary costs.

If you still have questions about E-POD and are not sure about the implications for your business progress, please send an inquiry to

