RITHM DAO — An Algorithmic Art DAO

The Abominable Sasquatch
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2022

RITHM is a DAO focused on the birth, curation and sustaining of the Algorithmic Art culture.
We have chosen Avalanche as the home for this algorithmic art DAO because we have seen the future. Subnets.


Subnets have the potential to change the narrative around web3 and Art is narrative. Art encapsulates a wide variety of shapes, forms and medium. Algorithmic art, specifically, holds a special place as it provides a robust and innovative creative outlet for programmers, data scientists and developers. Algorithmic Art in the web3 space encompasses the crossover of computation and programming with art and can benefit from the unique offerings of subnets.
Algorithmic art often relies on a specific expression based upon given inputs, data and carefully implemented arguments. These algorithms range from specific procedural executions to machine learning implementations from datasets. Within the web3 space there are currently two major camps for algorithmic art:

  • Generative Art ( typically on-chain scripts)
Off-Chain Generative Mint: Skyscapes


  • AI Art (typically off-chain computations)

These two camps have different needs in execution, but there common issues when it comes to algorithmic art and decentralized ledgers. While an on-chain transaction can represent the algorithmic art, it is important to also have a means of computing, storing and rendering. Subnets provide a means to ground algorithmic arts value within a single ecosystem and meet the needs of the community.

Therefore, RITHM DAOs membership mints are a means of supporting a very specific vision. This vision encompasses the development of algorithmic art culture on Avalanche, developing a treasury for the acquisition of high value algorithmic, curating and launching new artists and their work, and establishing an NFT/art focused Subnet(s) to meet the needs of this growing space.

The RITHM DAO membership mints will be opened up in varying sized tranches based on the size of collections. The initial tranche will be the collection from The Abominable Sasquatch, 1st Strokes. 1st Strokes is an on-chain generative art collection that focus on a minimalistic calligraphy approach. It is meant to evoke the feelings of various brush strokes.

Primary Benefits of RITHM DAO membership mints:

  • Every membership is a unique piece of Algorithmic Art
  • Priority on Curated Launchpad Mints
  • Governance for Curation and Acquisition
  • Compensation for Contribution through Governance for Marketplace and Subnet

Side Note: Currently the largest marketplace for algorithmic art are Ethereum followed by Tezos. With over a Billion dollars in sales last year, we have the potential to innovate in a way no other ecosystem can.

