Should we or shouldn’t we?

Anuspandana Musunuri
River Island Tech
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2024

How many times have you been asked “Can you work on this issue?” or “Can you deliver this by end of today?” or “Can you help others on their work?” or “Can you attend this meeting today? Or “Can you deliver something urgent for business on a fixed timeline?”. If yes, then you are not alone and they are not uncommon questions we get asked every day.


Is it because you have time or capacity?

Maybe not.

Do you have to be rigid and push away any help asked off you?

Ever tried setting priorities and expectations when asked something of you? You could say..

“No! I will have to re-jig my work to help you out!”

“No! Sorry. I can’t now.”

“I wish I can help. Apologies but I need to finish off what I’m on.”

These lines don’t mean you are not considered as a team player or you are not willing to help. They only mean you have set priorities. I know sometimes we all feel like we could say them out loud. But we find it challenging to balance the ask to what we are already on.

Each one of us have got a role and that comes with responsibilities. But from time to time, you might be asked to help someone or engage in a priority that’s not planned in your daily work.

How do we manage expectations right with others? However, don’t assume that when something is asked, the others mean it needed to be done now. Sometimes, it only means can you add to your plate.

Let’s see if any of these strategies can work in excelling how we deal with any of the fore mentioned situations.

Communicate clearly: Be honest and be firm upfront with all your reasons. Explain why you can’t do the additional work now but might be able to pick up later. Respecting their time by giving timelines will help.

Set Expectations: If you are working on something and adding additional work mean that we can’t fulfil the needs on time, then set expectations by helping them understand your own priorities and commitments. Communication is the key here.

Prioritise and re-prioritise: Understand the urgency of each task and focus on completing the most critical ones first.

Delegate the tasks: Is there anyone who can accomplish the urgent tasks if not you? Share the workload with peers.

Don’t burn out: Prioritising one’s own well-being and being mindful about the workload helps in over committing. Healthy minds deliver better results.

Get help: If you can’t say NO, seek support from your manager or colleague or someone who can provide guidance and help you navigate difficult conversations.

I personally have used prioritisation and delegation techniques that helped me during my crazy busy days.

Balancing priorities and managing requests can be challenging but be aware of priorities and make strategic decisions. Remember it’s okay to say no and prioritise your own well-being. It’s possible to manoeuvre these situations effectively if the strategies can be followed to maintain a healthy balance in day-to-day life and achieve greater success in the long run.

