Women and Freedom : Allowing the Feminine to Flower

River Walking Home
Published in
8 min readNov 8, 2019


By masculine and feminine, I do not mean male and female. The feminine can be as alive in a man as it is in a woman. It is not about being physically male or female. The feminine is a certain quality. The masculine also is a certain quality. Only when these two qualities happen in balance within a human being, can a human being live a life of fulfillment.

The physical nature of the universe happens between polarities, and one dimension of this polarity is masculine and feminine. When I say masculine and feminine, I am not talking about male and female. You may be a woman, but you may have more masculine in you than most men. You may be a man but have much more feminine in you than most women.

For a long time, humanity has given too much significance to the masculine because survival has been the dominant factor. Masculine will naturally be the dominant force when survival is a dominant aspect. It is only when societies handle their survival well and reach a certain level of stabilized culture and civilization, that the feminine can come to its proper place. Today, societies are coming to that phase but economics has become the main force in the world.

It is only in a certain situation of relaxation that the feminine can flower. And if feminine does not flower, you will have everything in your life and you will have nothing in your life.

The feminine in society

Measuring Success Only By Economics will kill The Feminine.When our standard of well-being is determined only by how much we earn, then the world may have women, but the feminine will be entirely killed.Today ,especially in business and economic leadership, women should play a greater role and bring gentleness into the economic process.

Today, society and even women have misunderstood feminine nature as weakness. Women are trying to be like men because economics has become the main force in the world. Everything is back to the law of the jungle — survival of the fittest. Once you do that, the masculine will dominate. We have chosen the power of gross conquest over the subtleties of love, compassion and embracing life.

Today, there is a danger that the female is giving up the feminine because survival has once again become a very dominant factor, and survival has been pushed up to a very demanding scale like never before. Earlier, survival meant just gathering the day’s food. Today, survival means a Mercedes or a BMW; that is very challenging. If this continues, there will be no room for the feminine in society.

But if you want to be a full-fledged human being, it is very important that both masculine and feminine are there within you in equal proportion. Only if music, art, love and tenderness are as important as economics, then the feminine will flourish. If this does not happen, there will be no room for the feminine in the world. Female you may be, but masculine you will become.

It is only in a certain situation of relaxation that the feminine can flower. And if feminine does not flower, you will have everything in your life and you will have nothing in your life. Consciously nurturing the feminine in a society is very essential because without that, you will have full grown trees which will never flower. That is like living half a life. Half a life is not a good life.This needs to happen right from school. Children should go into music, art, philosophy, and literature as much as they go into science and technology. If we don’t see how to make both the masculine and feminine find equal roles to play in our life structure, we will live very incomplete, lopsided lives.

It is very essential that we celebrate the feminine. This is not about woman, this is about the feminine.

So, it is very essential that we celebrate the feminine. This is not about woman, this is about the feminine. If you want to use an analogy, if you call the root the masculine, the flower and the fruit is feminine. The very purpose of the root is to bring the flower and the fruit. If that does not happen, the root will go waste. Survival by itself does not take care of everything. After that, the finer things in life have to happen to you.

If the feminine does not become alive in you, whether you are a man or a woman, the finer things in life will never happen to you. All your life, you will only think survival — endlessly survival. You will only make survival increasingly difficult. This is the very nature of the masculine. The masculine is always about conquering something. The feminine is not about conquest. The feminine is about flowering, relaxing, and living, not about getting. This shift has to happen.

Women and Freedom

Women will only be free when we stop giving gender more importance than it is due.

Right now, our ideas of freedom are coming in reaction to existing situations. That is not how they should be shaped. When we try to create justice in reaction to existing situations, we will only create another form of injustice − it will not lead to justice. We need to look at life more profoundly and create what is best for all human beings on this planet. Nature has bestowed a far bigger responsibility on the feminine gender than the male gender because the feminine is given the responsibility of manufacturing the next generation of people − and that is not a small responsibility.

That women have greater freedom in the West has not happened because of any great change in attitude, it has essentially happened because of technology.

Today women have greater freedom in the West has not happened because of any great change in attitude, it has essentially happened because of technology. Today, you can travel around because of technology, you can communicate because of technology — so many things are leveled because muscle does not decide who should rule. If the only way to rule the country was with a sword, a woman wouldn’t rule. It is only because she can be elected like anyone else, that many nations have women as Prime Ministers or Presidents. So freedom, or whatever is perceived as freedom in the West, has not happened because of any great change in the mindset, it is because of technological advancements.

Sexuality is a Small Part of Life

Right now sexuality is not in people’s body , it has entered in their mind so badly ,may be the kind of online/offline things they are exposed to, that they have become freaks/mental disorder case by themselves. This is causing an immense human suffering in their relationships because the mental suffering that a human being goes through due to this can never ever be reported.

Freedom will only happen when we stop blowing these differences out of proportion. Gender is a small difference. For some reason, most human beings have chosen to identify themselves with their body parts, and so, being a man or a woman has become tremendously important. If you must identify with some body parts at all, I would prefer if it was your brains, not your reproductive organs. Gender has a role to play in our lives, but it is not everything, it is just one part of our life. Reproductive organs have just one function in order to fulfill one aspect of our life, but it can never be the whole of our life. Right now, human populations are trying to make that aspect the whole of their life — life doesn’t work like that. Both genders will suffer if you make it like that.

In this obscene reality that we have established today, in the minds of almost 90% of the population, a woman means sexuality. This has to be taken away, otherwise a woman will never have a dignified existence on this planet. If this doesn’t go, there is no way women will be free. She may walk around on the street but there is no freedom because she will not be treated as just one more human being. She will always be looked upon as something else. Laws may keep people in check but the moment laws are relaxed, everything will go berserk. So it is extremely important that there is a more inclusive consciousness in humanity as a whole, not just about women.

Don’t Fight for Women’s Rights

Please read this attentively else it will be misinterpreted

It is very important that women who have reached a certain strata of society, women who can make a difference, take this upon themselves: don’t fight for women’s rights, just see how to create a better humanity. Making men and women akin to two different species is not good. If we do this, then if there is strife on the street tomorrow, once again the male will rule. If there is a war-like situation, once again women will go back to the attic or basement. If we do not want that to happen, the most important thing is we should not make too much of a distinction between a man and a woman. We must be able to see a human being as a human being and then make the decision.

Only when this happens will women find freedom and access to the world the way they should. Right now, many women are finding access only because they have become very masculine, and that is not good for the rest of womanhood. If all women on the planet, if all human beings on the planet have to live well, it is very important that these gender distinctions are not exaggerated.

