Announcing partnership with FusionX Finance

Akash Gaurav
Rivera Money
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2023

Enabling a passive LPing experience for market-makers on Mantle.

Rivera Money is excited to announce a partnership with FusionX Finance, the most-popular AMM on the Mantle Network. The partnership will see Rivera Money launch actively managed liquidity vaults for FusionX, providing market-makers with a hassle-free, passive LPing experience.

FusionX v3 is a concentrated liquidity AMM, which means that liquidity providers can deposit their assets in specific price ranges, rather than across the entire price range of an asset pair. This allows for greater capital efficiency and lower slippage, making it an ideal solution for market-makers who want to provide deep liquidity to specific trading pairs.

However, it also adds complexities to AMM LPing. It now requires LPs to ensure their liquidity remains ‘active’ through constant supervision. An ‘inactive’ capital will not earn fees & rewards. Rivera’s liquidity vaults will provide a convenient and easy way for market-makers to participate in the FusionX ecosystem. The non-custodial vault will ensure that liquidity is always available in the price-action zone and that market-makers earn optimal returns on their investment.

The partnership between Rivera Money and FusionX Finance is a significant development for the Mantle ecosystem.

It will provide market-makers with a convenient and easy way to participate in FusionX Finance, and it will help to further grow the liquidity and adoption of the platform.

