Linnea Nilsson devouring an ice cream puff from The Parlor. (Photo by Nicole Nesci)

You Know You’re a Foodie If…

Here are 5 clear cut signs you are obsessed with food.

Nicole Nesci
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2017


Foodies are just like everyone else, only more addicted and obsessed with their meals. Eating and indulging in food is an essential part of life; our bodies all need food and nutrients to survive. But, consuming food does not necessarily make you a foodie.

Before labeling yourself as a foodie, there are a few characteristics you need to consider. Foodies seek new food adventures. They research, mimic, and are interested in all food experiences. If you still struggle to fully grasp the intensity of modern day foodies think of serious home cooks, traveling hours to purchase the correct ingredients needed to duplicate the feats and signature dishes of their favorite chefs. Or those foodie social-media enthusiasts, who spend hours scrolling through their food-filled newsfeed trying to find the next, big food trend to try out.

Here are five signs that you are a foodie…

1. You Love Food

It is as simple as that. A foodie loves food, craves food, fantasizes about food. Your thoughts revolve around what meal you are going to eat next. Resembling the human version of the heart-eyed emoji, Nicole Rotolo, creator of @cheat_meal_diaries on Instagram, said “I love food.” It doesn’t get any more passionate than that.

2. You Experiment with Your Meals

Having a go-to dish is a thing of the past. When a new restaurant opens up in town, you are always the first person to check it out. You are intrigued by those wacky meals. A hamburger with potato chips as the topping and donuts as the buns always sounds appetizing to you.

3. You Understand Your Dish

There is more to your meal than meets the eye. You can distinguish between the seasoning used, cooking style executed, and amount of love put into the dish. “When you’re able to tell someone why you like a certain dish and what you would change about it,” Rotolo said, you’re a foodie.

4. You Care About the Birth of Your Dish

Everyone enjoys eating their meals. When you’re a foodie, you take this appreciation a bit further. A meal doesn’t just magically appear on your plate. It takes time to grow, prepare, season, cook, and plate. “Growing up on a farm, meals were always catered from scratch,” said Laurel Harrison, writer for Sacfoodies, adding that this gave her a deeper appreciation for the whole process involved in creating her meals.

5. You Seek Out Unique Food Experiences

Each dish you eat evokes different emotions. You purposely pick your food based on the feelings and experiences it gives to you. Harrison says seeks out extra special food experiences to find meals she couldn’t make herself. If you’re a bit of a compulsive foodie, you’ll probably try to mimic these unique dishes at home.

