1. We don’t know about it

Rivet Open Calls
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2018

If someone’s never heard of your opportunity, they definitely cannot apply for it!

Get the word out yourself — set aside several hours a week to tell people about your open call through your newsletter and social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WeChat, whichever.

Amplify — List your open call on Rivet (this will automatically send alerts to people following your organisation), and email the publications and local newspapers who cover your field. If your organisation has a bit of a marketing budget, you can take out advertising on websites, social media, or print publications too. Also, try writing a press release about the people you shortlist and accept. You can try find a media partner for the exclusive release, or simply aim to catch a writer’s attention to write about your organization, program, or grantees’ work!

Ask people to share it — just putting out there isn’t enough. Ask everyone involved in your organisation to spread the word, publicly or through word of mouth, especifically in communities that might not already know about your organization. This also means asking people in your organization willing to continually invite new people to follow your social media platforms as well. Develop and keep a mailing that includes past participants, supporters, and press (including bloggers and avid social media users.)

Translate it not everyone speaks your language, so if you’re working in a multilingual community or looking for international residents, be sure to translate your open call! If you’re hoping to reach people in countries with censored internet, make sure your website is accessible there (for example, Google forms are blocked in mainland China and many social media platforms are restricted in places like Tunisia, Turkey, and Vietnam)

Fix your websitemake sure your website is designed and coded with accessibility in mind. If you use images or graphics for your open call, use detailed image descriptions as well. Subtitle your videos, and beware of color and font choices. Make plain-text versions that load quickly for those with limited internet connections, and create responsive designs so that the information displays correctly on phones and tablets as well.

Leave enough time for it to propagategive it at least one month (ideally two or three) for the word to get out, and don’t be afraid to extend the deadline. Also note that the high and low points of the application and open call are at the beginning and towards the deadline (definitely recommend a deadline versus ongoing open calls) where it will be most effective to promote your open call.




Rivet Open Calls

Written by Kira Simon-Kennedy, designed by Myriam Doremy Diatta, edited by Katrina Neumann & Sebastien Sanz de Santamaria to open up the world of opportunities.