Admonsters Publisher Forum is Done, on to Digiday Programmatic Media Summit!

Erin Barber
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2018

The stars at night are big and bright (clap! clap! clap! clap!) DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS!

I had the great pleasure of attending and speaking at the Admonsters Publisher Forum this week in Austin, Texas. Although the weather was a bit shit, everything was well organised with a great group of almost 200 people, two-thirds of whom were publishers looking to learn more about the latest tech and trends.

The starting key note given by Bob Pearson of W20 was an insightful kick-off to the next couple of days. In his presentation, I became acquainted with the 1–9–90 rule of content, which posits that out of any given population only 1% create content, 9% repackage/redistribute, while 90% listen, lurk and learn. The other session I especially enjoyed was the Publisher Feedback panel where Tami Deleeuw of Ancestry and Erin Tobin of Bloomberg gave us vendors tips on how to be better partners, like making the handover between Sales and Account Management as smooth as possible and keeping communication consistent and proactive.

Outside of the sessions, there was the socialising as well. Whether we were hanging out at the hotel bar or enduring the muddy grounds trekking through the hills on our way to view some falconry, the vibe was playful and engaging.

My last morning, at breakfast, I had a great recap of the event with a handful of publishers, where I got some first hand feedback about the ideal vendor presentation. It’s about striking the right balance between a sales pitch and informative session — you’ve got to tell the audience what it is you do, but don’t bang on about it forever.

The organisation of the event was great, and the Admonsters team was very helpful, Gavin and Jonathan in particular. It was definitely worth the eleven hour flight from Berlin to attend this year.

Next up on the list for the one man traveling show is visiting some partners and prospects in San Francisco and Los Angeles before heading over to Scottsdale for the Digiday Programmatic Media Summit

Viva la republica de Texas! Viva!

