
DiG Publishers is done, on to Programmatic IO!

Benjamin Hansz


So, there is a spectrum in which to rate the quality of events, from complete shit to great. DIG Lisbon definitely falls in the direction of great! More than 350 people from publishers to tech partners at a great location, taking part in some worthwhile discussions.

First, I should say hats off to Teresa Sobrino, who was the main go-to for Jeff and I. She was there from the first minute to the last, making sure that everything was in order for our workshop and one-to-one meetings. She was a huge help.

The event wasn’t just about getting the word out about our audience yield manager, Rivr, but also hearing from publishers about what they saw as their main tasks ahead and other tech providers about how they were adding value to the ecosystem. Maybe it was the weather, or maybe it was all the drinks in the castle by the beach, but it seemed that everyone was open and in the mood to collaborate.

The feedback we got from the publishers we talked to (over 20 of them in total) was not only that Rivr was interesting for its programmatic yield optimization, but also the audience insights it could provide. Seems there’s a big interest in understanding the audience breakdown between premium decision makers and the average user. Good news, Rivr can do both!

Although it was sad to leave Lisbon after the three days, it’s hard to feel upset after such a great event. Now Programmatic I/O New York has some big shoes to fill in a weeks time. I’m sure they’re up to the challenge though!

Looking forward to being back in the land of liberty and melted cheese on the 15th of October!!!

