
MGS is done, on to DMEXCO!

Benjamin Hansz


The #MobileGrowthSummit was a nice start to the tour, especially because travel time is only two stops on the S-Bahn — no car, no plane… that’s the exception for this tour. The vibe at MGS was not just a local one, but lots of folks had flown in for it. We need more events like this in Berlin!

Speaking of more shows, next stop is DMEXCO in Cologne! At the moment, we have over 20 scheduled meetings. Joining me will be Simplaex’s Head of Product, Jan, and our two founders Moti, CTO, and Jeff, CEO.

What I’m more excited/nervous (“excirvous?”) about than meeting with partners and prospects to spread the word about our new Audience Yield Manager, Rivr, is the presentation that I’ll be giving there. I have a ten-minute time slot at The Start-up Village to present Rivr and how it can transform a Publisher’s or SSP’s business.

I’ll be speaking on Wednesday at 1:45pm — Stage 2 in the Dmexco Startup Village. If you’re around and looking for what’s new in yield management — stop by!

Hope to see you there!

