Simplaex Unveils AI-Powered Rivr To Help Advertisers Reach Audience

Nadjib Bennaï
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2018

Simplaex, a company focused on using artificial intelligence to evaluate consumer habits and programmatic advertising, beta-launched its new Rivr.

Rivr is an AI-powered audience yield manager that provides an audience-based performance model to bridge the programmatic gap between advertisers and publishers.

Meant to tackle the increasingly complicated relationship between publishers and advertisers, Rivr offers a new level of precision by simplifying the supply chain.

“In our conversations with advertisers, publishers and SSPs, we heard a number of recurring themes, all related to the fragmentation of the programmatic supply chain. Rivr addresses these themes head on without adding another layer to the tech stack,” stated Jeffry van Ede, CEO-cofounder, Simplaex.

Rivr translates any changes to the bid stream on an audience level for publishers and SSPs. It also allows for dynamic pricing strategies that posits the value of an audience rather than demand. In turn, buyers can target specific audiences while sellers get the best pricing and rates.

The focus is on transparency for both sides of the advertising supply chain: real time adjustments are made through AI-powered programmatic interaction inside the bid stream.

According to Simplaex, the simplicity of the technology allows for optimized performance, as it uses actual supply and demand to unify audience classification and value, which it claims leads to an enhanced ROI for all parties.

Moti Tal, CTO-coFounder, Simplaex stated “Rivr’s AI can be plugged into any existing technology to offer SSPs and publishers the ability to better forecast and price audiences … so they can sell more without risking under-delivery or cannibalization.”

Rivr was tested with several SSPs across the U.S. and Europe before entering the beta-testing phase.

Published on Mediapost

