4 big trends for the sharing economy in 2019

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1 min readApr 23, 2019

n 2019, it is a mind-bending exercise to reflect on the past decade of the sharing economy. A time traveller who skipped here from 2009 would note that it has fulfilled both more than, and less than, its original potential.

The sharing economy’s explosive growth has astounded even optimistic market pundits. On the one hand, there are now many thousands of sharing economy platforms operating in almost every sector and activity around the world

At the same time, the sharing economy has lost some of its original allure. In the early days, it was rare not to have a conversation about how the sharing economy could responsibly mitigate hyper-consumption and truly build community connections. These benefits have not disappeared, but it is increasingly difficult to find sharing economy platforms that practise these principles in reality. The focus has shifted towards convenience, price and transactional efficiency: “community” as commodity.

On the eve of its next decade, what can we expect from the sharing economy in 2019? Let’s find out

Source: www.weforum.org




RIZ project is related to business for platform business, sharing economy, and fourth industrial revolution technology.