Design for humans

A better blend of humanity & technology

Rizal Yatim
Rizal Yatim


The world is changing and with it, comes a new set of wicked challenges that’s deeply complex yet fundamentally questions our very existence of what it means to be human . And within this space lies the pursuit of my work to understand this new world we live in. A rapidly-evolving world fuelled by technological innovations yet more than ever, relies on the power of meaningful human connections.

The most exciting breakthroughs of the 21st century will not occur because of technology but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human. — John Naisbitt

My purpose is to learn a living while working around the intersection of creativity, strategy and technology. A sense-making pursuit that’s set up to value the journey, not it’s destination, into understanding human and group behaviours in a digital age. An inquiry that’s rooted in understanding the liberal arts of living in an age where the sciences powers the logic for most.

My intent is to help people rediscover what makes us human in our new reality with technology by:

While seeking a better blend of humanity and technology, I’m open to help you with your wicked problems by applying my experience and expertise around these topic areas; but not limited to:

  • Creative direction & brand strategy
  • Experience design
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Organizational Learning & Development
  • Disruptive innovation

What’s your wicked problem?

Let me try to simplify it further. Take a specific complex challenge that you have and begin by scoping it down into just one sentence. In essence, what is that one critical problem that you are trying to solve? Frame the question as a “How can we…? statement.

How can you break down a complex challenge into a succinct problem statement? Try using the First Principles Thinking which is practised by one of today’s boldest entrepreneur Elon Musk in his pursuit to revolutionize space exploration and sustainable energy. A mental model that forces you to focus on the fundamental facts of your challenge with reasoning by first principles.

“I think it is important to reason from first principles rather than by analogy. The normal way we conduct our lives is we reason by analogy. [When reasoning by analogy] we are doing this because it’s like something else that was done or it is like what other people are doing — slight iterations on a theme.

First principles is kind of a physics way of looking at the world. You boil things down to the most fundamental truths and say, “What are we sure is true?” … and then reason up from there.” — Elon Musk

How can I help?

Share with me your wicked challenge and if we can align set both our expectations and availabilities, I will help solve your wicked problem, with no financial obligations upfront, using a 5 day sprint.

While some problems can get really wicked and may take more than a sprint, I believe that the design sprint is the fastest and most practical approach to start. In 5 days, we can diagnose your challenge deeper and deliver a tangible action to take the initial step to solving your wicked challenge. If the outcome for the sprint adds any value or meaningful progress, we can then discuss more on the details including any remunerations, if you decide to pursue it further. To give you a better idea on how this may work, here are some of the wicked problems that I’ve worked on previously.

Why am I doing this?

As of now, my expectations are only your commitment for this partnership which provides us both with the an opportunity to learn. From re-iterations from the process to building more cases of change from the collection of these planned experiments; especially with individuals and teams that are working together for a meaningful causes.

It does not matter what titles we hold nor what our resumes are made of. I believe in working together with people who’s genuinely open to learn with a bias for action. What matters is a shared intent to collaborate and co-create. A desire to design for humans, based on a shared purpose.

I value working on projects that mirrors bits of our reflection to bring meaningful change and as such, I’m always looking for the next exploratory conversation and opportunity; for the chance to chat with someone and learn from each other.

Think we can create something together?

Please reach out and we’ll schedule time to know each other! Drop me a line at

