Online Education

Rizer Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2020

Brain Tips To Teach Online Effectively

Teaching is the process of attending to people’s needs, experiences and feelings, and intervening so that they learn particular things, and go beyond the given. It’s not a secret, effective teachers are the reason for effective learning in the classroom. In the case of online teaching principles and methods play an important part.

The digital classroom brings various difficulties of unknown nature. Operating in an unknown and unexplored territory, and relatively newness when putting aside traditional methods of teaching.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

Teach in small segments

Teaching in small and compact slots helps students develop a sense of willingness towards studying and growing. It provides opportunities for students to grow holistically

Use stories

Stories help teachers impact the minds of students in a way no other medium would help. This brings disparate knowledge to life in a way no other thing can

Help students to avoid stress and fear

Teachers play a supreme role in balancing stress. The most effective way to curb stress in students is by replacing nervous energy, allow your students to use a standing desk, or even allow to sit on the floor.

Recognize over recall

Recognition is easier than recall since it involves thinking on a broader level. These cues help the activation of all the related information in the brain and ease up the process.


The ability to take someone’s perspective and understand what it is or the ability to meet someone at their emotional palace and have a shared experience of the emotions can turn out to be game-changer for relationship dynamics.

Incorporating these principals in your teaching while using online mediums will give your students a better experience and on the other hand, it will make your job much easier as well. Effective principles will continue to grow and adapt to the world of classrooms entering the digital arena.

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