How to Stand Out and Boost Your Success on LinkedIn

Tristan Rahman
Rizer Social
Published in
4 min readDec 8, 2020


In a world where YouTube, Instagram and Facebook have saturated the content market for creatives, leaving little room to be seen with billions of users, LinkedIn is proving its worth in a sea full of sharks.

Complicated algorithms have made it hard for content creators and those in influencer marketing to be seen while unfulfilling paid ad campaigns can often result in little to no sales. For many creators looking to TikTok and Triller as alternatives, LinkedIn has long been a forgotten tool to young entrepreneurs who can create content that’s visible to a smaller, but still valuable audience.

GaryVee (Gary Vaynerchuk), legendary entrepreneur and influencer market expert, was quoted as to saying on Instagram recently, “(People) underestimate it. It’s acting like Facebook five, six, seven years ago. You can create a LinkedIn account, you post content, and you get organic awareness. You post and nobody follows you? A thousand people will see it. You can’t do that on Instagram. You can’t do that on Twitter. You can’t do that on Facebook anymore…

“Other than TikTok, (LinkedIn is) good for people that don’t have money for every piece of creative and if they rely on organic reach… If you’re not taking your content strategy on LinkedIn extremely seriously, you’re making a massive mistake,” Vaynerchuk added.

If you’re a: dropshipper that has a vintage-clothing company; a gamer on the eSports circuit; or, a health and wellness expert focusing on mental wellness: we’ll discuss some of the top tips you can use to create a content strategy on LinkedIn so you can boost your audience. For the record, there are more than 722+ million users from 200 different countries, all of which could soon have their eyes on you.

The Top 10 Marketing Tips to Use on LinkedIn

Anyone can benefit from LinkedIn by establishing a solid presence on the platform and amassing enough followers. All you need is a push in the right direction and that’s where we’re about to go. Building a brand is never easy but it can be a lot easier if you use the right content strategy on LinkedIn. If this is the first time you’re signing up, consider the following when building a page.

Invest in Every Corner of the Page

Make sure your company’s LinkedIn page is complete so that you’re ready to distinctly appeal to the types of members you want to attract. Pages with complete information get 30 per cent more views than incomplete pages.

Optimize Your Page for SEO

Contrary to popular belief, you can optimize your LinkedIn page for SEO. Consider that vital opening-line, mission statement, intro-box that’s underneath your banner, meant to be your company’s “elevator pitch.” LinkedIn pages are referenced regularly by search engines, so if you aren’t making your target keywords prominent in your opening statement, you’re making a mistake. You always want to provide clarity for the curious, new user who wants to know more about your brand.

Add a Follow Button

This simple addition can help turn your website visitors into LinkedIn Page followers. To compel action, you might want to include some kind of call-to-action to get them to buy what you’re selling on a website or mobile app store.

Develop Your Content Strategy

Keeping a steady flow of fresh content on your page will give it more visibility on member feeds. Pages that post at least weekly see a 2x lift in engagement, which in turn leads to greater organic reach. Whether you have something to advertise or not, you can also post content that aligns with your brand strategy — inspirational content, food recipes, causes in which you’re interested.

Have Customers/Followers Post

If your goals align with a close follower or brand advocate, have them post about you with a promise to do the same. Let them know that increasing your LinkedIn following is a priority, and see if they might be willing to help out by posting about your brand.

Trust the Analytics

Page admins can access a variety of telling analytics, which provide demographic information about your followers and visitors, as well as engagement data for your updates. Use these insights to figure out what’s working and what’s not when it comes to your posts.

The Video Plan

It’s not all about the written word. It’s about imagery; video, video, and more video! LinkedIn research shows that custom image collages are one of the most popular forms of LinkedIn content, as it drives heightened levels of engagement on the platform.

Study Your Competitors

Sometimes, you can learn the most from your competitors. This is not so you can copy them per se, but because you can identify the white space and provide something members won’t find elsewhere.

Share Job Postings for Brands You Support

There’s always a way to do very little to get a lot in return but just remember, it’s an investment. Not every post is going to pay immediate dividends. Leveraging your Page for talent acquisition as well as marketing can open it up to new audiences.

Start Growing Your LinkedIn Page Following

The advantages of a great LinkedIn Page can boost your audience and engagement. The algorithms are much simpler and the platform is less saturated with users so hundreds of users could potentially see your posts on any given day. Stay consistent and always push the needle! Making LinkedIn a part of your overall content strategy could boost the awareness, and sales, of your brand.

