The Rizzle Logo: “The Medium is the Message”

Published in
1 min readFeb 24, 2020

“The Medium is the message” is a theory that suggests that the medium itself carries the message more than the content delivered over that medium.

In a world that focuses on consumption and viewership, when it came to visualizing the essence of our app Rizzle, our focus and drive were more towards ‘Creation’.

Hence, our focus on the circular ‘record button’ rather than the triangular ‘play button’.

The logo as you can see is the circle, semantically representing the record button, within a ‘Z’.

The ‘Z’ itself apart from being taken from the name of the app, ‘Rizzle’ is also a way of portraying dynamism that we see in our creators. It perfectly captures the short video format of our app that promotes putting our message across in under a minute.

Rizzle stands on the shoulders of a team that refuses to accept anything less than perfect to help it grow and evolve in the frontlines of New Media, and the virtual world is here to see it.

