What Are The Benefits of Vlogging?

What is the point of making vlogs? Here are some pointers to help you understand the benefits of vlogging.

Ayesha Syed
6 min readDec 4, 2019


Making video blogs or vlogs has become popular to the point that it is a job for a lot of people. If we look back at when it all started and when vlogging overpowered blogging, it appears that the shift started in 2005 when YouTube came into being. Almost 5 billion videos are seen on YouTube every single day, which makes vlogging a pretty big deal. People are preferring to watch more videos. It has become so popular that when kids were asked what they wanted to become when they grow up, they replied they wanted to be vloggers.

All this popularity and craze over vlogging makes one wonder what is in it that people are so obsessed with? What is the point of vlogging? Why people are watching 5 billion videos every day and that’s only on YouTube. Why people find it interesting?

Here are some pointers that tell us the purpose of vlogging and tell us what’s the point of it?

1. Culture

Vlogging makes the culture familiar. Through vlogs, people can understand the culture of different countries. The cultural shocks or cultural barriers seem to be less as compared to when there were no vlogs. When a vlogger makes daily vlogs and showcases their lifestyle and what kind of country they live in, the people of other countries can easily understand the culture of the vlogger’s country. This helps in understanding other people and their ethics.

All in all, vlogging helps in connecting people from different countries to come together. It is a way of reducing misunderstandings aroused by cultural differences. The depiction of culture is best seen in daily vlogs. Some of the prominent daily vloggers are — Casey Neistat, Roman Atwood, Tanner Braungadt, etc.

2. Education

As of 2017, there were around 7 billion videos available on YouTube. While a lot of videos are made only for entertainment purposes, there is an amazing number of videos that help in educational purposes too. A lot of vloggers make videos to help the viewers in one way or another. They either educate the audience on different academic topics or try to teach them something else. One of the things that are taking YouTube by a storm is the photography genre. Photography has become a hobby of a lot of people and YouTubers who know a lot about Photos, share what they have learned along the way in their careers. Some popular education centered vlogging channels are — English with Lucy, Minute Physics, Asap Science, Peter Mckinnon, Brandon Woelfel, etc.

3. Health

If you look around on YouTube, there are a lot of video makers who are either suffering from different types of diseases or are differently-abled. Some of the prominent names are Molly Burke, Jordan Bone and also Claire Wineland (She passed away on September 2, 2019, and was the founder of Claire’s Place Foundation). All of these vloggers are making a difference in one way or another by sharing their lives and proving the myths wrong. Some people with Autism and Multiple Personality Disorder are also vloggers and they also share their lives online.

All of these channels help in understanding people with different needs and their requirements. There are a lot of myths about some diseases in society either from the past or from less interaction with people who suffer from them. But vlogging is helping differently-abled people and people with diseases. People now recognize the symptoms and provide the response as the need be.

4. Entertainment

Everyone loves a bit of entertainment. Vlogging allows people to be entertained or relaxed within 5–6 minutes. In the past, for entertainment or relaxation people used to watch movies, which could take an hour to two hours out of a person’s time. But vloggers generally make smaller videos. The normal length of a vlog video is 4–5 minutes, and this gives the viewers the liberty to watch short videos and get done with it easily.

There are some big guns on YouTube, who are really successful in making entertaining videos. Some popular names are — Felix Kjellberg, also known as PewDiePie, The Ellen Show, etc.

5. Information

Vlogging helps in informing the masses. There are a lot of vloggers who make informative videos. People now use search engines to search for informative videos. Vloggers use videos to spread awareness about different causes, some examples are bullying, LGBT+ community, etc.

6. It Makes Everything More Human

In the past, people didn’t know how businesses run and how work is done behind the scenes. But, vlogging has made it easier for the creators or entrepreneurs to share their journey with the audience. With this, they not only connect with the audience but it also makes the whole journey more real for the audience. The audience feels a real connection with the creators and they find themselves more inclined to support the creators because of that. Some creators from this category are: Behind the Brand, Talks at Google, etc

7. A Community of Like-Minded People

One of the benefits the vloggers have is that once they start building an audience, they formulate a community of like-minded people. Those people who have an interest in similar topics and likes similar things come together and support the vlogger. This community of like-minded people creates an amazing atmosphere. The comments help in connecting the people together, and the creator also comes to know the opinions, likes, and dislikes of the viewers.

8. Connecting with People

Vlogging helps connect with people from all over the world. The videos created by the creator reach the audience all over the world and that’s how it helps people connect with each other. It also helps in gaining exposure and makes the creators stand out in the community.

9. Making a Difference

Vlogging also allows people to make a difference. People share their opinions on a lot of different things, and as a result of that, they make a difference in the world. It also helps people in sharing the discrimination that happened to them or someone else which in turn helps them get justice.

10. Revenue

One more benefit of vlogging is that it creates revenue for the creator. Revenue is also one of the reasons that vlogging has become a job for a lot of people. Revenue comes in different forms, through affiliate marketing, through sponsorships, and through advertisements.

All the points mentioned above are some of the benefits of vlogging and together they all make vlogging such an aspired job in the young generation. One of the things that set vlogging apart from blogging is also the fact that in this fast-paced world people don’t have the time to read. People’s inclination towards watching short and to the point videos also makes Vlogging such a growing field.

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