What Does it take to Make a Collab Video?

Are two heads better than one?

1 min readApr 22, 2020


I’m sure we’ve all seen some of our favorite creators collaborate on a video. The excitement is, of course, double, but so is the effort.

Creating a collab requires a certain level of understanding between the creators. Each artist has their own process in ideation and execution, and they have spent ages building a certain identity through their videos. So, the first step is to find a creator who can match your brand and is willing to meet you halfway in the creative process.

Communication and Organization are key to collabs. Both parties need to communicate what they are expecting out of the final product and how they want to get there by means of brainstorming sessions.

Record parts of the video with each other or share your segments via cloud keeping in mind that compression affects quality.

And after the back and forth, there are of course the long hours of editing where there are now not one but two editors and the inevitable differences of opinion.

Collaborations are a long and arduous process, but if done right can yield double the profits.

