
Rucha Jamale
RJ Tales
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2021

This is the behind the scenes of my About me story — About Me — Rucha S Jamale

LOL, I wrote an 11 min read About me story when I was not even sure I would be able to write two paragraphs 😂 I’m so sorry 11min is too lengthy for all. It’s kinda new trend to write About me and pin it to your profile. So I also thought that I should write one as my stories are mostly personal essays. But my first question was why will people read my story? I have done nothing to be labeled as an accomplishment. Am I going to waste people's precious 11 minutes? I hope not.

I always wanted to write an autobiography when I’d turned old. I even googled that do people actually read about normal people. Some said definitely yes as many normal people have supernormal daily lives and sometimes common and regular things teach us a lot of things. But till today I’m not sure. But then I realized that my besties always nag me that I’m a private person, don’t open up, don’t hang out, so I got a kick, and look what I actually wrote a mini autobiography in this About Me article 🤣. Now the gurls are very delighted and satisfied that I actually did this. (FYI-I get each post reviewed by my besties as they are very intelligent, honest reviewers and are much better in English than me 😁)

When I started to write I knew all my timelines so I wrote them one by one easily and wisely (yes you have to be wiser because there are some moments in your life that are vulnerable and sensitive, and you have to decide that how much are you going to concentrate on that, as that thing can actually decide the overall vibe of your story). I was stuck at the Who am I section for days. Of course, how should I describe my nature and how actually I’m, I don't know man. That was really difficult, and guess what I ended up adding what my besties think about me, cause obvi they know me better than myself. (I might keep searching for myself for centuries but I have already found them decades ago! Touchwood 😇)

As an INFJ Aquarian — a walking contradiction expressing myself has always been a tough job for me,

I always wanted to be listened, but never wanted to talk,
I always wanted to talk but never wanted to be listened!

I don’t know I’m an introvert or an extrovert.
I don’t know I’m the most unemotional or most emotional person.
I don’t know I’m good at many things or I’m good at nothing.
I don’t know I’m the strongest person or just a weakling.
I don’t know I’m self-centered or a keen observer.

I think I’m a bit of everything!

Today I might don’t know who am I and why I’m breathing but I just know that I’m a good human being, precisely — a follower of my Father’s values and my mother’s manners.

Photo by Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash



Rucha Jamale
RJ Tales

A girl who likes to recites stories! Basically, I don’t write, I talk with you through my writings!💁