#2: Teaching Robots Hand Manipulation, Chip Floorplanning Explained, RL Frustrates Humans in Teamplay, Break into RL

Enes Bilgin
RL Agent
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4 min readNov 19, 2021

Teaching Robots Dexterous Hand Manipulation

Dexterous in-hand manipulation is one of the grand challenges in robotics with many real-world applications. You may remember OpenAI’s earlier success with solving Rubik’s cube with a robot hand. A similarly impressive work came out of MIT, by Tao Chen and colleagues, in which the researchers train a model-free RL agent that can reorient over 2000 types of objects with strong zero-shot generalization. The work involved a teacher-student architecture to distill the policies so as to use only sensory information. The authors performed the experiments in simulation, but they provide evidence for real-world applicability. Check out the exciting demonstrations on YouTube.

Chip Floorplanning with Deep Reinforcement Learning — Explained

A recent video by the TensorFlow group explains how Google achieved a breakthrough in computer chip design using deep RL. Chip floorplanning is considered one of the toughest design problems and normally requires human experts in the loop on top of many special optimization algorithms. DRL’s success in beating the benchmarks was earlier reported in a blog post and was recently published in Nature. The TensorFlow video gives interesting insights into how the researchers used supervised learning for the value network for better reward estimation and employed action masking to facilitate training.

Macro placements of Ariane, an open-source RISC-V processor, as training progresses. From Google AI Blog.

RL Agents Frustrate Humans in Teamplay

It turns out that teaming up with RL agents can be frustrating, especially when they are not budged by the in-game tips you give to them. A TechTalks post explains a research paper that came out of MIT and the U.S. Air Force AI Accelerator that investigates human-AI collaboration via RL and Hanabi. The work discussed the need for alternative objectives, as opposed to the ones focused on winning, we might want to train RL agents and AI models with if we want to enjoy them being around us.

Source: BGG

Resources to Break into Reinforcement Learning

If you have been wondering how you can get started with or get more involved in RL, here are some recently compiled lists of RL resources for you.

Image from AIM — What Happened in Reinforcement Learning in 2021

RL Opportunities in Academia

If you are interested in RL positions in academia, here are a couple:

If you are interested in featuring your RL positions in academia, reach out to us.

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Enes Bilgin
RL Agent

Deep RL @ Microsoft Autonomous Systems | Author of therlbook.com | Advisor @ CSU Engineering Leadership Program