Launching and Open Sourcing the Rlay Testnet

Maximilian Goisser
Rlay Official
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2018

Following up with the whitepaper release two weeks ago we are excited to release the first version of the Rlay Testnet, and all the source code associated with it!

You can find the UI here on our website, and the links to the most important Github repos at the bottom of this article. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to hit us up in our Telegram channel!

What’s there

To get this first testnet out as soon as possible we sadly had to push some cool features back after the release, but they will be coming soon nevertheless.

We hope that what the release today allows everyone to get acquainted with Rlay and test out its core features.

With the testnet and its demo UI you can right now:

  • Build up ontological structured statements
  • Put some weight on those statements in the form of propositions. This is currently limited to statements regarding boolean class memberships, e.g. the structured equivalent to “<Max> is a <Human>” vs “<Max> is not a <Human>”.
  • Participate in proposition pools other participants have created and see how that affects the aggregated result of that pool
  • Be rewarded by the payment function for submitting information

What’s coming

This first release is of course just the beginning. The next month of development we want to focus on improving two main areas: better insights into the underlying processes of the Rlay network via the UI, and improving the expressive power of statements via more ontology primitives.

A more concrete list of features we have planed for that:

  • Add a UI section that allows you to see all your past propositions and the respective rewards you earned from them.
  • Improve the UI of the proposition pools to give more insights about the participation history of each of them
  • Add support for Object Property Expressions which allow for Individial to Individial relationships like “<Max> <is working at> <Rlay>”. Those are very important, since they will allow the participants to build up networks of inteconnected statements in Rlay.
  • An easier way to redeem the rewards paid out by the payment function

Many Testnets

As we release the first testnet earlier into development as some other projects we will handle the release of new features a bit differently as well. In order for us to stay more flexible in the development of new features (which may contain breaking changes) until the mainnet launch, it is important for us iterate fast without having to maintain mistakes of earlier testnet versions for a long time.

In order to achieve that, the plan is to release a new running testnet every 1–2 months that incorporates the latest development. The previous testnet will then be considered deprecated and users should migrate to the newly released one. In order to make that process as painless as possible, we plan to release migration tools that let you migrate most of your data from a older testnet version to the most current one and guide you through the breaking changes that have occurred in the meantime.

Try it!

You can find the UI on our website, for you to try out and we are very eager to hear your feedback! If you have any questions or want to discuss Rlay in general, feel free to hit us up in our Telegram channel (or one of the other social channels listed below).

Hope to see you on the testnet!


Github Repositories:

  • rlay-protocol — The smart contracts for the Rlay protocol
  • rlay-client — The reference client responsible for the reward calculation
  • rlay-demo-ui — The demo UI, for interacting with the protocol

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