A broken bridge and ill friends

Rory Nicol
Disposition 2014–15
5 min readOct 8, 2014

The hailstorm came and went, and just like a venomous snake it left puncture wounds which in fact hide the poison lurking underneath. Yes, the bridge was destroyed and many homes – including mine – were damaged, but the cause of the issue was not discovered. Who could it have been? Was it gossip? How were the gods angered? There are questions left unanswered and if they are left as they are, another bad experience may happen to us again.

Yesterday, I sharpened a number of sticks as high as my head. I brought them to the top of the village and staked them into the ground. I made sure that the sticks were in a full circle and then painted them all the colour of blood. This is to collect energy from local spirits who dwell around our small town. This ritual should help protect us against more bad weather and to help build energy to re-build the bridge and to help us discover the cause of the hailstorm.

I am personally working with a state of shame. I incorrectly assumed that I needed only one amulet to protect me, but in fact there were two. I forgot the second one in my hasty desire to make medicine and prepare the ritual.
Also I believe that my inattention caused the ritual to be ineffective. This brings me the greatest shame. I have studied for so long, and have had so many positive outcomes in my life … but this time, I don’t understand what caused my mind to be in so many places at once. I will have to meditate upon this when I get the chance and see if I can recognize the remnants of karma which caused my forgetfulness. I do not wish for this to happen again.

As well, my cave was flooded. Many of my precious artifacts and medicine was damaged or destroyed. I have lost many things in this storm. It is important that I take this week to rebuild what I have lost by going into the forests and finding the right herbs. Oh the forest, I hate the leeches!
When I think to how I was confused, all I know for sure was that my bad karma had finally ripened from a past life. I must be lucky that much of what happens to me cannot be considered bad. I must have been a monk in many past lives and I am grateful for the place and opportunity to be where I am in this village.

These thoughts makes me wonder if I should find myself another consort. For a time I received abhisekha, initiation into Tantric rituals and practiced intensely with a beautiful Monpa yogi. She brought me great merit and development in my path to nirvana. I feel that I could use growth and development of my chakras until I experience amrita, the all awakening nectar. This in turn will aid me even further in being released from the three poisons: attachment, ignorance and aversion. But I wonder, is there someone in the village who can work with me in such a way? I must remain aware to being guided to the right person. Perhaps this is what I need for my growth right now.

But first I must look into the Naga illnesses which are ravaging our neighbouring village. Currently I am unable to traverse the river and visit them to see what was wrong. But here I can describe a time I visited another village to aid them in their illness.

Naga Spirit

About three years ago, I went to Chutanka to heal what illnesses had taken over their people. When I arrived, I noticed that much of the village had been attacked by Naga spirits. They were in very bad shape and must have had bad bad karma from their past lives to have been stricken so badly. For those patients I saw who were still able to think for themselves, I burned incense in their company and chanted mantras on their behalf in order to help develop their equanimity and compassion. Afterwards, I told them other mantras which they could chant for themselves. They began looking much better as the healing medicine of the Buddha overtook them. For those patients I saw who were more ill, I began by offering puja to see if that would satisfy the demons, but it had no effect. Next, I attempted the ritual glud-tshab, ritual effigy. I made a life sized doll of one of my patients and filled it with some personal artifacts of the person, as well as some sugar and rice and silver. I found out where that Naga spirit was emanating and threw the doll in that direction. This began the path to healing for this person so I could burn incense and chant mantras. I spent many days at this village, with other amchi friends, and we were able to contain the disease enough so that they could begin caring for themselves.

Medicine Buddha

I am currently preparing medicine in hopes that the bridge will be rebuilt and I can travel to the next village. I have already prepared many rinchen rilbu. In English, they are known as precious pills. They contain a number of minerals and herbs including gold, silver, crushed pearls. There are really too many ingredients to write for my blog, but if anyone does read this, come and visit sometime and I will teach you how to prepare them.
Even though I have prepared many medicines to take over to the next village, my most importation preparations have been compassion and my realization of emptiness. These two qualities, intertwined, are able to rid any person of evil spirits and demons and scare away anyone who attempts to disturb one’s mind. But the realization of these are not simple, therefore other means – such as what I described above – must be used if one has not already achieved a certain mastery over their mind. When people are better enough, I will make sure to instruct them in these qualities and then have a lama go and visit the village to improve its overall well-being.

This is all I wish to write for now. I must take some time to meditate upon my karma and understand its effects so as not to hinder my current duties. Be well everyone!



Rory Nicol
Disposition 2014–15

Research-based stories written for my Buddhism course at UofT, learning about the life and culture of a Tibetan in early Tibet.