A Famous Lama

Nicole Derricott
Disposition 2014–15
3 min readOct 21, 2014

I have just received word that a famous lama is coming to visit the neighbouring village that was hit by the naga illness. What an incredible occasion this is for the people in the neighbouring village to be blessed by such a wise and compassionate leader. With the lama being close by, our village has a wonderful opportunity to write a letter extending a formal invitation to the lama requesting that he visit our village as well. We could really benefit from a visit from a Buddhist teacher, to help purify and cleanse our village of the selfishness and chaos that has resulted from the recent storm.

Our village is truly suffering right now. The farmers are raising the prices of their goods, causing many of the villagers to go hungry. Many of the people are storing the goods in preparation for future events which is probably smart of them to do; although, it is not in the benefit of the entire village. There are many people who have very little and will not survive the winter months without some help. There is a bad energy in our village, and we need help getting back on the path of compassion, loving-kindness and generosity towards our fellow villagers.

It is of great importance to have a Buddhist teacher come to our village, as they can restore some of our good merit, and bring a positive energy back to our community. Having a spiritual guide is the most authentic and pure path to liberation and we could really use the guidance. It is valuable to find a true leader, someone to trust that has wisdom in their teachings. A Buddhist teacher (Bodhisattva) will guide us through samsara. To honour our teacher, we must use the teachings of our spiritual guide in our daily activities, practise them, and work towards perfecting them. We must serve our guide with our words and actions and by showing gratitude and generosity to them by giving all we have to them.

To have the famous lama (Buddhist teacher) come for a visit, we need to send an elegant and respectable letter to invite him, and then hope that he accepts our requests. The letter is often written by scholars like myself. When asking the lama to come, we can make special requests of rituals, blessings or prayers, we would like him to offer. Some of the villagers have made suggestions of what they would personally like to see the lama do while he is here.

I will be getting together with my fellow scholars this week to construct a beautiful letter and invitation for the lama to come. The nature of the letter will consist of us asking that the lama share his profound teachings, and that he give guidance from the bonds of samsara. I truly believe that a visit from the lama could really change the attitudes of many, and create a positive atmosphere among the villagers.

There are many things we must do to prepare for the lama’s visit in the event that he accepts our invitation. After we have sent the letter, we need to prepare the temple by cleaning it inside and outside, and having different preparations within the temple ready before his arrival. The excitement of the people will be buzzing around the village. On the day of his arrival, the lay persons, and small children and other people in the community will line the roads to greet him, welcome him, some may even be blessed by him on his way to the temple. As the people greet the lama, they will give different offerings such as greeting scarves and flags. It is respectful to prepare gifts to give to the lama to show our sincere gratitude for his arrival and profound teachings. Art work will be painted for him, food will be prepared, and money will be offered. The people will give what they have to give. Once the lama arrives at the temple, the chanting and offerings will begin.

I have spent some time this week researching the teachings of the Buddha, as I am in the preliminary stage of writing on the subject. The visiting lama has been on my mind a lot this week, and it has been fascinating to study the Buddha’s teachings and to see the parallel of the Buddha to the ceremony that would be performed by the lama.

Unfortunately, I have run out of time and must go. It is time for prayers and meditation.

