After the Hailstorm, Amidst the Illness!

Samantha Willson
Disposition 2014–15
3 min readOct 14, 2014

The prediction of hailstorm proved to be accurate, though something about the hailstorm concerns Nima. She believes that there could be something else behind the hailstorm, as torrential rains followed, flooding most of her village, but not her brother’s village, where she sought refuge. Nima and her brother remained unharmed, luckily, but news of her village and her cave quickly reached the monastery in which she is staying. To Nima’s knowledge, crops were destroyed, as well as the Pemakochung monastery, which had flooded, where Nima was the recipient of many teachings, and where a dear friend, Dainin Daeshim, lives. Luckily, he remained unharmed! Nima decided it would be best that she quickly gather her belongings and go home, against the advice of her brother to help rebuild the monastery and help her community.

The trip home took much longer than Nima had planned, and Nima became sick on the way home as a result of walking through so many flooded areas. She stopped by a neighbouring village, and was offered food and shelter for a few nights. One night in this village, Nima noticed many members of the community ridden with the naga illness, caused by demonic serpent spirits, as a result of bad karma. This worried Nima, who desired greatly to return back to her cave to gather healing talismans and herbs for those infected.

Nima, the following morning, was on her way back to her village. She never made it back to her village as a result of the destruction of the bridge that is the only entry and exit to the village. Nima pondered what to do in this scenario, and tried to find other means of entering, however, the area around the towns had greatly flooded, preventing her return. Nima then decided to return to the illness-ridden village, with the hopes of helping those infected, while those in her community work together to repair the bridge, which will allow her return, and allow more experienced medical professionals to help the sick.

Although Nima is hardly experienced in medicine, she was able to recognize the common symptoms of the naga illness. Luckily, Nima has small protective scorpion charms, which have protective mantras written on them, to protect those who have not yet been infected. The naga illness in this village has also left Nima wondering how the negative the behaviours of the infected were to invoke the naga illness. The illness is made present as a result of spiritual deformity and extremely bad karma, which has Nima worried as to why the hailstorm and flooding happened in the village in which she resides. Perhaps the hailstorm and the naga illness is a result of human destruction of nature, to build up villages or elaborate monasteries? Nima chants mantras to protect her community again, and believes she will be immune to this sickness during her stay in the infected village, as she dwells in a cave harmoniously with nature.

While in this sickened village, Nima uses tools around her to try and help those there. Luckily, she had precious pills that she initially had for herself in case she became ill, but she has offered them to the infected people. She has led some people to meditate and to chant mantras as well to promote healing.

Hopefully other members will be able to come to the community to help Nima, as she is running short on healing supplies, and there are very few ritualists and healers in this village. Nima continues to pray for the help of the others to help bring good karma to the community to prevent such instances from happening in the future!

