Disposition #5

Syahara Aria Pietersen
Disposition 2014–15
3 min readApr 13, 2015

The Lama has come and left from our small quaint village here in the Himalayan mountains. His visit was prosperous for us from both a physical and emotional stand point. Physically, he left many generous gifts behind. After hearing of the towns wreckage from the storm that blew through our area only a few weeks back, the Lama decided to leave behind some protective amulets. When asked about how many families hadn’t been prepared for the storm, my arm was the first to go up, remember the fear shining in my daughters eyes and the guilt that ripped through my heart when I had realized that I didn’t have any protective amulets on me. I cursed myself for my lack of preparation and knowledge, and unconsciously wondered if this was an incident Karma, and wondered what I had done to bring this on my and my daughter.

Anyway, so when the Lama had asked how many families had been unprepared and saw the result, the Lama immediately decided to donate some protective amulets to the village that could be borrowed and passed around so that everyone could be prepared for the next big catastrophe. He then asked for a debrief of the damages that was caused during the storm. Upon hearing that the nunnery had been destroyed, the Lama graciously decided to donate a large sum of money towards the reconstruction of the nunnery. This funds would mainly be going towards a new printing press and library to be constructed in the building, and I felt my interest peek. Knowledge and learning were very dear to my heart, and can fondly remember my childhood days pestering the elders for more stories and learning about the history of our land and the great Buddha. So, when the Lama presenting this marvelous opportunity, I made a mental note to find out any way to get involved.

The Lama also decided to donate money towards our medicine factory, after hearing about the amazing doctors from our village venturing out to the next village over and helping their sick, after hearing about the illness and deaths form two weeks back. This is a very exciting prospect because this medicine factory will be the only one in our region, and it made heart soar to think about the large role our village will have on saving lives and keeping others happy. This will also help to ease my mind for the long nights my daughter has woken up, gasping and coughing, something thats been referred to as an Asthma Attack. This new medicine factory will be regular visiting spot for me and my daughter.

I wanted to go back and discuss the up and coming library and printing press. One must understand that a village like ours is fairly secluded, far up in the Himalayan Mountains, where not many people care to reach. But with these people, would have come knowledge from far off places and stories of history that we may not have known otherwise. A library and a printing press will be one of the most valuable contributions to our village in a long time. Our small village will be able to have access to some of the most precious history of our land and learn, exstensively, about the the life of the Buddha. Children, like my daughter, will be able to expand their knowledge and pass on information to their kids when they’re older. It’ll become a centre point to our village where we will be able to enjoy stories from far off lands and also internalised the cautionary tales of those that had already made severe mistake that stopped them from ever escaping the cycle of samara.

All in all, the Lama’s visit was a huge success and a gift to each and everyone of us. We all pray to the Buddha that his journey is safe and helps many others.

