Disposition #6

Syahara Aria Pietersen
Disposition 2014–15
3 min readApr 13, 2015

I awoke in the morning with a start and looked over to my daughters heap of blankets and quilts to find it empty. My heart felt as if it may burst from my rib cage, I was panting so hard. Where did she go? How could I have let this happen? Who must I have wronged to have this horrible fate thrust upon me? Then, all at once, I hear her laughter coming from the back of the house, mingled in with the laughter of two other small children from the neighbours behind us. In their fast, high pitched voices, I could hear them discussing the weeks events and all the new additions to the village. I almost laughed out loud at my foolishness and panic, letting out a long sigh and rubbing my hands repeatedly across my face, effectively ridding myself of the grime from the nights sleep. I felt exciting swell up into my chest and before I knew it, I had flung myself off my mat and busied myself getting the hut clean and tidy so that I wouldnt have to come home and do it later. Come back from where, one may ask? Back from the nunnery. I had decided to be proactive and actually involve myself in the events of the village and help with the library. From childhood, I always felt as if I didn’t really have a place in this village. While other were teaching, traveling or curing the sick, I stayed plain old me, farming and taking care of my daughter every day. Today was not going to be one of those days.

This week was chock full of events, happiness, and work. This was the week that the nunnery was going to begin to build it’s library and printing press. The village has been split up in to several different groups: a group for the library, one for the printing press, one for the medicine factory, one for each of its sub-topic groups, and one more a research expedition into a cave. I am apart of the group that will gather information to store in our library, and to make sure that what we’re putting in to the library is really full of knowledge that is both insightful and useful. For example, in this library, one may be able to learn about a mandala and how the monks will work for many days and nights arranging the sand into a intricate pattern of colours and shapes to form this beautiful piece of art.

Some from the group are going to go out and fetch amulets and sutras to bless this new space and the longevity of the nunnery, allowing good energy to flow in to it, and forcing bad energy out. I was one of the women organizing the precious books, making sure that there werent too many repeats of a certain story. Some of these women are incredibly strong willed in their personalities, naturally taking leadership roles by assigning tasks for the more quiet workers to follow and I appreciate them. As i’ve isolate myself, I’ve become a very quiet person. Their leadership skills gives me confidence that, when we do start this very large project, it will be done quickly and efficiently.

