Hailstorm Aftermath and Preparation — Third Week

Disposition 2014–15
3 min readOct 15, 2014

When I heard rumors of a illness in a neighbouring village before the hail storm hit I decided that it would be best for me to go and trade the sick people herbs to make them well enough before they were able to see a healer. The broken bridge as a result of the storm was a worry to me, how would I be able to get to the community or any community for that matter to be able to trade if the bridge was broken? The builders in our community made sure that we would be able to have a bridge built as soon as possible and a lot of the people in the community thankfully gave up their gold to ensure that we would have a way to leave our community and have others come to see us. This devastation made me realize that it would be a good idea to have some skill in building if another weather storm comes to our community as I will be more useful than just for gold, and it will help me be able to fix my home. So this week I will be getting my secondary trade in building so that in the least I can fix my home as soon as possible.

By the time the bridge got fixed I was able to fix the small amount of damage that happened to my house, though it did cost me gold, as I was not able to trade in that time and I had to use the gold to pay for the roof of my house to be fixed. Once the bridge was fixed I was able to go to the neighbouring community with all of the healers and trade the herbs that I brought. The devastation in the neighbouring village was enough that all my herbs got traded, and I now am not too affected by the damages the hailstorm did to my belongings.

As soon as I heard whispers that a very famous lama may come to my community I decided that I must go back home and do what I can to ensure this happens, as it would do so much for my community. I am very excited about the possibility of the famous lama coming to our community, as there are not many teachers who have all of the qualities a teacher should have. I am willing to give the community some of my wealth to ensure that this happens. I am now working with other people in the community to prepare for the lama’s arrival in the case that we can persuade him to come. We need to work together to make sure that his arrival and stay is most pleasant, as well as making sure we have enough places for the people from neighbouring villages to stay, as I am sure that they will make the journey to our village if the lama does come.

I will finish my week by finding out how the farmers’ crop is after the rainstorm as it is my secondary source of trading material for other communities, as well as my only food supply in town. If it is not looking to well I may need to go to another community to trade for food instead of putting all of my efforts into getting ready for the lama to come to town.

