Healing and Preparing

Corinne Haddad
Disposition 2014–15
4 min readOct 19, 2014

The spirits must be happy with us. With much effort, our village managed to rebuild the bridge in a timely manner. Many of the village members worked day in and day out to ensure the prompt reestablishment of the bridge. The village council members who were initially opposed to us helping the next village came to their senses. They must have realized how crucial generosity is during such perilous times. We have offered all the services we can to our allies, whether they be medicinal, ritualistic or nutritious. If our village were to have turned a blind eye, I fear that it could have potentially had extremely negative reverberations in the cosmos. In turn, I believe the naga illness could have potentially spread to our village. Luckily, this is not the case as everyone in the village is on the same page. We can provide all the needed support to our allies without there being tension between us.

As was previously planned, a posse of doctors, myself included, traveled to the next village over to help rid them of their naga illness. Upon our arrival to the village, there was an immediate change in the weather. Thick dark storm clouds filled the sky. The air was dense with negative energy, so much so that one of our fellow doctors almost fainted from sensory overload. Treating such a massive volume of people was difficult and I saw cases of varying complexity. With the help of intense meditation, some of the villagers were able to recall the past actions that may have caused their naga illness. This made it easier to treat them as I performed specific rituals in accordance with their past wrongful actions. It was evident to me that certain individuals were living out certain characteristics of Dependant Arising. I most often saw attachment. Some individuals were clinging to certain ethics; others were more drawn to particular views. These can be easily reversed if they adopt the positive actions of body, speech and mind. As a result, they will find themselves reborn in a higher realm, whether this be the demi-god realm or the godly one. It will undoubtedly be a strenuous road to recovery, both mentally and physically, but practicing their training in ethics, meditation and wisdom will certainly put them in a favorable disposition with the spirits. I have also treated the ill individuals with some medicinal herbs. Their healing properties will ensure a faster recovery and will relieve them of their mental ailments. I was entrusted to help these individuals and have done so to the best of my abilities.

In other recent news, a lama is supposedly in the area surrounding our village. He is currently lodging at a nearby monastery. It will be the scholars’ task to compose a proper invitation letter for him. I have tried to contribute intellectually, but as I do not excel in scholarly activities, I have offered monetary assistance. They must follow the correct procedure, so as to ensure the lama feels well respected and welcomed. My understanding of the invitation letter is that it must follow a certain structure. The scholars must make sure to provide an extensive description of his qualities, as a sign of respect. They also mustn’t forget to include a homage of gratitude to the lama for considering the request. I hope the lama accepts, as I am, among all other village members, very eager to meet him.

This lama brings with him valuable teachings and empowerment rituals that I hope to gain insight from. Learning from this lama will be such an honor as he is Bodhisattva. A Bodhisattva, properly defined, is an enlightened being who has chosen to stay behind in Samsara to help others on their path to nirvana. Our village would gain great merit from his visit. I have heard that he’s traveled from far and wide.

Nowadays, it is more challenging to find a qualified teacher that has the described qualities in the precious tantras. My understanding is that this teacher is pure, limitlessly compassionate and peaceful. He cares deeply for others, is weary of the world and leads his students along the same path. His teachings will help us sail through the waters of samsaric existence.

Assuming that the lama will accept our invitation, we have many things to do in preparation for his arrival. The temple must be adequately prepared and we must gather the 8 auspicious offerings. I have in my possession a conch shell and a dharma wheel to offer. I must also forage the nearby forest to locate and gather some saffron to offer him. As my skills as a builder continue to improve, I think it would be appropriate for me to volunteer to help construct the throne that the lama will sit on.

The last few days have been challenging, but I am humbled by the appreciation of the people whom I have offered help to. I have been continuing my meditation and have found it particularly beneficial during this time. I find a place in my mind of complete and total serenity, which is certainly a contrast to the current situation in our village. However, things are looking up and I am hopeful that our village will continue to prosper.

