My Journal of my Dreams

Nicole Young
Disposition 2014–15
4 min readJan 22, 2015

Winter has come, and unfortunately is still here. The weather has been a little bit nicer, but it is still ‘flu season’ weather, therefore I have to always make sure I stay warm and safe so I do not fall ill again. That was a really bad time for me as I was sick, then poisoned (accidentally), and finally having to recover again. I am so thankful for my fellow doctors for treating me with a Rhodiola extract to heal me. I also took red ginseng tea so that I can become my fully normal state.

Red ginseng tea is so delicious and makes me feel helathy that I may have drunken this tea one too many times; which I did not realize what affect it could have on me. I have been having such vivid dreams lately that I would remember every detail of them in the morning time. I usually do not remember most of my dreams so I decided I would write them down in a journal, so I do not forget them later on. I think they may be important and each dream may be related to each other as well.

The community has been buzzing with all sorts of news! During the cave expedition a little while ago, various texts were discovered that we’ve been sorting through. The texts that I’ve been most interested in are records of the local history of our village, and locations of a cairn of the local protector deity. The other texts I am interested in are describing smoke purification and wind horse rituals.

The group of people who went on the expedition decided to go back to that location to see the cairn, however, it was destroyed and decided to be rebuilt. When cairns are built, its protector the deity needs to be propitiated or else our village will continue to have such bad luck… Remember how the medicine factory was haunted?

I guess because I’ve been so focused on the rituals involved in activating the site, it has even occupied my thoughts while I sleep. In every dream I’ve had, I’d travel back in time when the texts were written… Here is a bit of my first dream…

“Dear Journal,

This dream took place during the night of January 2nd.

I was walking through our village. Oddly it was very familiar. The village during this period long ago (I’m not too sure when as no one I interacted with ever mentioned the date) looks the same as ours did now, but just with a lot less homes and a lot less villagers. My uncle’s home was not there during this time but the land was very big, filled with animals from our neighbour’s farm. There were lambs, cows, chickens and a dog as well! It’s interesting, I guess my neighbour had to get rid of the land and only extend his farm to have legumes and herbs, since our homes were built on the extra land and it took over a lot of the space he had for his animals.

You know how dreams can distort your memory and make it seem like you actually know the person you are talking to but in reality you do not? That happens a lot in these dreams. As I continued to wander through the village I ran into a friend of mine (apparently) who told me about the texts that has just finished being written about the cairn that is situated on the edge of the village.

Cairns are similar to piles of stones that pay homage to different spirits and protector the deity. However, the cairns conversation was quickly over between my friend and I. We moved onto the subject of the smoke purification. One of the rituals done, when the cairn is built to keep bad spirits and bad karma away. The most interesting thing I remembered from this conversation in my dream were the four guests that arrive during the smoke purification ritual.

The four guests are:

  • The Jewels, invited out of respect who include dharmakaya, sambkogakaya, and others. They appear as a cluster of stars in the sky.
  • The protectors, invited because of their qualities. They include the eight mahadevas, the eight great nagas, the eight great rah, the four great kings, the nine great terrifying ones, the ten guardians of the directions, the twenty-eight constellations and the seventy-five glorious protectors of pure abodes. They appear in the clouds!
  • The others are the guests invited out of compassion, who are the gods, human beings, demi-gods, animals, pretax, hell-beings, etc. They appear as mist in the air!
  • There are also obstructing forces who are invited because we owe them karmic debts. They assemble on the ground.

These rituals have been written down in the texts that are going to be put into the caves. The next texts that we talked about were the wind horse rituals!

These texts were the words being said/sand during the ritual. Here are some of the lines that I found most interesting:

‘And all that is excellent throughout the three worlds — / Auspiciousness, glory and riches — manifests spontaneously.’

