Naga Illness and Arrival of Lama — Week Four

Disposition 2014–15
3 min readOct 29, 2014

I decided to go to the neighbouring village with all of the doctors because I want to help in any way that is possible, and I believe that the medical herbs that I trade can be of use to the sick. In the neighbouring village I had quite an experience trading to the people who were ill from the naga illness. It is so unfortunate that having bad karma can make one so susceptible to nagas as they are the main source of bad spirits and can cause mental illness. They usually spread illnesses around to the people responsible for disrupting their water, this can be buy polluting it or by building a dam if it is not done so at the astrologically appropriate time. The reason that the nagas do this is because they are half human and half snake, who do not appreciate when their natural territory is disturbed, so they retaliate against the people responsible. Naga illness is especially frightening because one does not know when it will happen, it is nearly impossible to keep track of when to do things at the astrological appropriate times, which just reminds me that our village is susceptible to a naga illness at any time. This just shows us all how important it is to do what it best for everybody always, because we do not want a naga illness in our village.

I traded herbs with the people in the village because I know how difficult herbs can be to come by. I have to make a trip to the Himalayas to attain the ingredients for the herbs. The herbs that I traded to the people seemed to help them until they could see a healer. When I was doing trading in the village I met a fellow trader from my village also selling herbs, this caused a bit of a problem for both of us, as we were both loosing business and people were trying to get us to trade less so they would not go to the other person. In the end we both decided it would be best if we joined forces and made fixed prices, so people would not go try to get us to trade less than what the herbs were worth. We then split up and when to opposite places and made it clear that we were in business together so people would have to come to us for herbs.

I am so grateful that the Lama has decided to come to our village; it will do so much for our community as a whole, in terms of our merit. It is important that we all do our part in preparation of the Lama’s arrival; I have donated thirty of my gold, and five of my food. I have some food to spare as I have just started doing a small amount of farming, the only other thing I have to offer is money, as I am a trader, and have no other skills would be relevant in terms of the lama’s arrival to our village. I have no skill in writing to a lama, as well as no skill in making a mandala offering.

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