Steph Till
Disposition 2014–15
4 min readFeb 26, 2015


New Year- Blog 9

Our cave expedition crew thankfully arrived home in one piece but weary as it was a challenging for our friend Shelby to make the trip with only a fraction of her strength due to the horrible fall she took at the caves. Our resources were becoming scarce but luckily we made it back to the village before things became dire. We were also anxious to get home to our families and friends as we were gone for quite some time . I am positive that we all sent our prayer of deep gratitude for not only the vast success of our journey but also for the sweet reunions that surely took place following our return

I have begun to make solidified preparations for my pilgrimage as I plan to leave in a few weeks time. It is with a heavy heart that I make such a life altering decision especially as I consider my mother and her well being. She has assured me many times over the last few days that she would be filled with much more happiness and joy if I were to follow my calling of pilgrimage and the determination in her eyes confirmed my decision. I know that it will be difficult without her endless support and guidance but I simply cannot shake this feeling that this is what I must to do to further my path to enlightenment.

My plan is to set forth on a month’s journey to reach Lhasa in time for the famous New Year celebrations at the Potala Palace hosted by the Dalai Lama himself! While I will be equipped with the proper travelling materials and provisions to make the trip in one piece, there is no doubt that it will be an exhaustive and challenging road ahead both mentally and physically. I will travel through rugged terrain for many miles unaccompanied. My mother and I offered prayers the night before my departure to ensure safe travels and goodwill.

Lhasa is the capital city of Tibet where the smallest temples rival our humble village’s monastery not only in size but in beauty. It is a famous site that many hope to make a pilgrimage to at some point in there lives and with good reason. I have heard tales from the village elders describing its bustling and colorful streets and magnificent sacred temples. It is only fitting that I make my pilgrimage here in time to celebrate the most sacred event of our Lunar calender; the arrival of the New Year of Losar. Lhasa hosts a multitude of holy locations such as Jokhang Temple which I most definetley plan to visit and offer my prayers.

I should arrive right in time to experience to see the lay people and monks alike making the final preparations for such an auspicious celebration as they look forward to cleansing away the negativity of the past year to make room for a renewed positivity and reaffirmed motivation towards the path of nirvana. Monasteries, temples, and homes will be decorated with prayer flags, butter lamps, and offerings to ward away evil spirits in appeasement of more favorable spirits.

The monks will set forth on their path of cicrumbulation , an ancient tradition in which they will walk for hours around the temple clockwise to bring forth a purified space for the celebrations. Following such a task, they will symbolically destroy all evil spirits by slashing through the air with a ceremonial dagger , doing away with their own past negativity and vices to promote positive karma. The completion of these tasks will create a renewed and pure space of opportunity for the New Year.

I cannot wait to travel to the monastery to witness this along with the ceremonial dancing and effigy to further ward off and burn away any lingering negative energy or illness . It will be a sight to behold especially seeing the temple decorated in honor of the celebration. I will make my prayers and offerings a midst the glittering murals lit by the warm glow of candlelight surrounded by many others on their pilgrimage as well! Such times of solemnity will be followed with merriment, feasting, and community as all will be united in their celebration and well wishes for the New Year. It is a time of optimism and a reassurance of our faith to be even more inspired into positive karmic action, away from wrongdoings.

It will definitely be exciting to watch the sky become colored with bright fireworks as the merriment commences throughout Lhasa especially the Chan dancing that will no doubt take place. Such a dance is symbolic of after death dreaming and is said to reveal a straightforward path to nirvana. The dancing is usually followed by even more drinking, feasting, and gift giving throughout the night. While much of the preparation and celebratory action is seen through the monks and nuns , the lay people of the village can also take part in various rituals by offering prayer and offerings by setting up prayer flags at their door with the burning of incense as well. Such positive karmic action will help to promote positivity and further ward off negativity which can be seen as symbolic of the New Year celebration .

The days ahead will be tedious and challenging but my path is set and this is something that I must see through . I will update as soon as I can but I do plan to leave on the morrow so hopefully all goes well!

