The lama could guide us out of our ignorance.

Junyeon Kim
Disposition 2014–15
3 min readOct 15, 2014


Couple weeks ago, the hailstorm left us nothing but a reminder that the life is a suffering, Dukkha. We tend to suffer from many aspects in life. I have seen people who avoided the damage from the Tibetan protective amulets, people who lost almost everything including homes and people who blame others for the disaster. Fortunately, there were also people who sacrifice themselves to help the community and to rebuild damaged houses and the bridge. However, there is something that is still missing. There are subtle frustrations and struggles among the villagers. The farmers and traders, including ones who didn’t affected by the hailstorm, raised the price for the necessary goods such as rice, warm clothes and gas. From this, people are losing faith about whether they should become bit more selfish to secure their own sake or they should keep their selfless minds and actions for others and the good karma.

I left the villagers behind to help the other villagers who recently got the naga illness last week. It has been a week since I got here to pray, chant and nurse for the sick people. All the doctors and ritualists who came here with me used up most of our rinchen rilbu pills and incenses. Thankfully, most of the sick people got much better and went back to their homes and work. Whatever the bad karma they deserved, they are now grateful that we came to help them. They said that they want to return the favor not only to us but also to all the others throughout their journey of life. I had a faith in them when I began to heal them and now they have the faith in their selfless future and helping others. All the doctors and ritualists who came here with me have managed to give them a great message and a lesson of how to avoid pain from the life of suffering by helping others. Once we figured that we finished our jobs, we left the village with positive energy behind. It was a great opportunity for our crew and the villagers to learn much from the naga illness. We came back to our village with a great feeling. I questioned myself whether it is an effect of a good karma.

When I arrived at my village, the villagers were busy with preparing the community to invite a very famous lama. I soon noticed that most of the scholars were colleting their scholarly resources make a great invitation letter for the lama. Most of the people are excited from the fact that a famous lama could visit us. However, I was excited for the other reason. As I mentioned, the hailstorm and the naga illness left many people in struggles and suffers. I believe that it is a desperate time for a little wisdom or enlightening moment in our lives. This famous lama could give us that and guide us from perceiving negative consciousness. This negative consciousness, the mental fabrication is a result of our ignorance. The lama’s visit could definitely enlighten us from our ignorance. I quickly looked around in my cave to see what I can do to help inviting the lama.

I have been developing my secondary skills in art. I decided to help preparing the community by drawing the 8 auspicious offerings with the white chalk – lotus, conch shell, dharma wheel, endless knot, offering vase, umbrella, gold fish and victory banner. I worked with other artists in the village. They told me that my artistic skill is amazing. I am glad that I have been only developing secondary skill in art so that I can focus on one topic more deeply. Once I am done drawing, I will then help sweeping the temple inside and outside. I really hope that the lama visits our community and guide us to great path in life.

