The visit

Shuyi Yang
Disposition 2014–15
3 min readOct 26, 2014

As I woke up in the middle of the night,

Moonlight lit through the window,

My wistfulness and melancholy,

Oh, my Dolma, my soul mate, my Kinnara,

Remembering our rendezvous in the Saffron field,

The wind whirls with your dance,

The sun dims as you smile.

A happy man I was, a joyful man I was

Because of Norbu, with eyes shines like the stars

Because of Dorje, with smiles bright as the midday sun

All those days are gone to dust

I suffer permanently because of impermanence

Oh, thy compassion one, thy charitable one

Thy venerable Bodhisattva Chenrezig,

May I have your wisdom to dagger my pain

May I have your bravery to slay my fear

May I have your perseverance to demolish my desolation

I took a walk outside

I am numb to the coldness surrounding me

Snowflakes danced their ballet

Lightly flung by my face

I want to ride on the wind onto the sky

Out onto the space, to galaxies and galaxies away

To the pure land, to listen to Amitabh’s teaching

To drink that water with seven jewels

To shower in the blessing of Mangareva flowers

To hear the singing of the rare and

To talk to his holiness Chenrezig

Have his mercy to ease my pain with his Mannan Aquarius

Have his wisdom and compassion to achieve Prajnaparamita (Wisdom to the other side of the river)

I want a heart of Vajracchedikā (Diamond)

Free from ignorance, greed and anger

Free from Samsara and eternal suffering

Thus, I sing Om mani padme hum

Om, I shall practice generosity

To purify my pride and ego

To find enlightenment with a humble heart

Ma, I shall practice ethics

To eliminate jealousy and lust

To reach to the other side without burden

Ni, I shall practice patience

To vanish desire

To seek Dharma with a peace of mind

Pad, I shall practice my diligence

To exile my ignorance

To explore the truth with a heart full of light

Me, I shall practice Renunciation

To demolish my greed

Always know that greed leads to more suffering

Hum, I shall practice wisdom

To my aggression

Always have a soft heart towards myself in practice

The next day, Pema hopped home like a rabbit

“Father, the lama decided to come and visit us”

Oh, what a good news

Like a blessing to my ear

So many questions I have

So much concern I withhold

“Quick, daughter, let’s help preparing”

I then go take out the saffron paint powders I prepared, gently break them into smaller pieces, and ask Pema to send them to the artists. She is good at drawing, so she can help the artists also. Then I heard a knock.

It is K, he is wearing a black cape and has a bone staff in his hand. I ask him to take a seat inside, and offered him a Cha Suma (butter tea). He takes a sip, and said “Tashi, I had known you for almost three years now. I am old now, and someone needs to take over the position of chief.”

I was shocked, he has always been cold and arrogant. I don’t know why he suddenly decided to retire.

“I don’t have many students, you are one of the most promising ones. Anyways, the next full moon, we are performing a death ritual. Please be there” K then walked away. I could not guess what he is trying to do, but I had never done a death ritual. It is really gory, and can be really brutal. I am not sure if I want to go. I go back to preparing for the lama’s visit.

I ask Dorje to join me to pick more saffron from the field. The weather is good, the sun is just right, and the sky looks like a blue sapphire. Dorje looks really happy, he dances around the saffrons and keep talking to Ah Bu (My yak). We pick saffrons that blossomed for at least a week, put it in a basket, and dump them in the sack we attached to Ah Bu. After that, I pick some dried up opium flower for K, he needs it for his ritual.

What a busy day, I am looking forward to the lama’s visit.

1. Reference of Amitabha sutra from:

2. Translation of Om mani padme hum from:

