Visiting Lama and Dream Yoga

Corinne Haddad
Disposition 2014–15
4 min readOct 25, 2014

Great news has come to the village this morning, that lama has accepted our invitation! I think should all put our hands together for the scholars’ writing skills, without which we wouldn’t have been able to communicate with the lama. I am so overwhelmed with joy as his visit could bring great opportunities and growth to our community. In the midst of a time of despair and tragedy, our spirits are uplifted with this positive occurrence. We are anticipating a huge assembly. As mentioned in my previous entry, I am very eager to gain insight from this lama’s teachings’. As I have been rigorously keeping up with my meditation routine, I am hoping that the lama can provide further advice on how to advance on the path to enlightenment. As our sangha is not fully prepared to welcome the lama, I believe a meeting is needed in order to organize things adequately. It could be beneficial to have specific committees preparing certain offerings. The artists may excel in preparing the Mandala whereas a scholar may not be best suited for this role. As I’ve been continuing to develop my secondary skills in the field of building, I think I would be a qualified candidate to help build the throne that the lama will sit on. It would be important to come to a consensus soon as we don’t have much preparation time. I feel extremely appreciative of the lama taking the time to detour to our village. I hope to show him all of the wonderful things our village has to offer.

There has also been a recent issue surfacing in our village with regards to the role of the nuns’ compared to those of the monks. The nuns’ accommodation, in my opinion, is less than habitable. Their source of drinking water is limited and their proximity to necessary resources is less than favorable. The combination of these factors prevents them from performing their role in society to the highest of their potential. I have heard rumors of a nun wanting to collect funds so as to be able to improve their current situation by installing a clinic in the nunnery. It would be beneficial to everyone in the community for there to be a clinic at the nunnery’s current location. It is easier to access for those living in more remote regions (like myself) in the mountains. Based on my recent knowledge, I believe this to be a very good initiative that I would be inclined to support. I can surely identify with the injustice of being marginalized as I have experienced this first-hand. I’d like to do everything I can to contribute to this cause.

I equally have some projects in the works. I am hoping to gather enough resources to be able to establish a medical factory. It would only make sense to have a factory of this sort, so as to be able to provide the needed medical supplies to all members of our sangha. The goal of this factory wouldn’t be for practice, but rather to manufacturing and distributing. I would need the support from all of the doctors, the builders and potentially the traders in order to be able to import special medicinal goods. Taking part in this task as a community might also contribute to keeping us in good graces with the local spirits.

I have also been speaking with a local monk here in our village. I did this because I want to make sure I’m doing everything in my power to live out the precepts of the noble eightfold path. He advised to continue with my everyday occupations as, in his humble view, I am emitting good karma into the universe.

Typically, I have trouble remembering my dreams. However, I have a particular reoccurring dream that I am always able to recall come the following morning. I have recently read some works on developing dream awareness and have been working hard to hone my skills in this department. I believe the correct technical name for this study is Dream Yoga. This has inspired me to do some research on my chakras. These are defined as non-material psychic centers located within the body at specific locations. They are located at the crown of the head, the throat, the heart, the navel and the genitals. My goal with this discovery is to awaken these points in my body in order to be able to harness their energy. Before going to bed, I make sure to follow a specific ritual. I first relax my body from high intensity daily activities by giving myself a massage. I continue by directing all of my intentions toward both lucidity and awareness in my dreams. This is the most effective practice I have exercised, to take mental control of my dreams. I find that practicing this Dream Yoga has helped me be more in tune with my psyche. Nothing but positive effects have been stemming from my recent discovery of this practice.

I can only hope to continue to grow and to become more compassionate. Once again, I believe this will guide me further along the path to enlightenment, which I think could be the ultimate fruit of total realization

