rLoop Token (RLP) — How to Create an Ethereum Wallet

Brent Lessard
Published in
7 min readSep 4, 2018

This post is intended to provide you with a step-by-step process to set up a MyEtherWallet (MEW) Ethereum address to both receive your rLoop Tokens (RLP) upon successful completion of the sale and to contribute to the RLP sale. A following post will provide a similar guide for MetaMask.

We are focused on making RLP a compliance-driven token and have worked hard to establish the correct procedures to conduct a responsible sale. We encourage your comments and feedback, either by joining our telegram group here or emailing us: comms@rloop.org.

How to get whitelisted

In order to get whitelisted for early access to RLP, simply complete the form located here.

Compatible Wallets

Any compatible ETH wallet can be used to participate in the token sale. Below is a guide to create an ETH wallet through MyEtherWallet (MEW). You will require an ETH wallet to receive and hold your RLP tokens!

Quick Ethereum Wallet Guide

The information below is of a general nature only. We strongly urge you to conduct your own research.

Setting up MyEtherWallet

In order to purchase or hold Ethereum based tokens, like the rLoop Token (RLP), you require an ETH wallet of your own. Many use My Ether Wallet (MEW) for its ease of set up and use. However, due to the security of hardware wallets it is generally recommended to use a hardware wallet for ‘cold’ storage of tokens.

What follows is a general guide to getting started with MyEtherWallet (MEW) to create an ETH wallet of your own.

MEW gives you the ability to generate new wallets so you can store your ETH & Tokens yourself, not on an exchange. This process happens entirely on your computer, not on their servers. MEW is a client-side interface that allows you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. They never save, store, or transmit any sensitive information ever. Therefore, when you generate a new wallet, you are responsible for safely backing it up.

Step 1: Precautions

Before you do anything, make sure you are on a computer you trust. We strongly recommend against using any publicly accessible computer.

We strongly recommend using Chrome as your browser of choice, for security and speed reasons. When logging into any website that contains any sensitive information or data, ensure that the website has the green padlock in the address bar as shown below:

This means that the website is secure.

Step 2: Go to MyEtherWallet

Once you are satisfied that you have followed step 1, make your way to: https://www.myetherwallet.com/ (and look for that green padlock, shown in step one).

Once you are on the MyEtherWallet website, go to the “New Wallet” tab found in the navigation bar just underneath the MyEtherWallet logo.

Step 3: Create a Strong Password

Create a strong password that you will use to access your wallet. In order to create a strong password we recommend using upper and lower-case letters, and also numbers and symbols (e.g., “@”, “^”, etc.).

An example of a strong password might be: V*N^vh7%T3wavZVa

If you are struggling with creating a strong password, we recommend using this site to create one for you: https://strongpasswordgenerator.com/

Tip: On MEW, there is a small image of an eye to the right of the text box you enter your password in. This will allow you view the password you have entered to ensure its correct.

NOTE: DO NOT lose this password. Losing the password you create will result in your losing any ETH, RLP, or other tokens stored in your account.

The image of the eye is to the right of the text box

Once you have created your strong password and made a note of it, click “Create New Wallet” just beneath.

Step 4: Save Your Keystore File

Click ‘Download Keystore File’ and copy this file to multiple locations, such as your Documents folder and an external USB drive. This file contains your private and public keys and is required every time you want to access your account.

NOTE: As the warning states on the website, do not share this with anyone. If they know your password and have this file, they can access your account. This file is for you and for you alone.

Once you’ve downloaded the file, click “I understand. Continue.”

Step 5: Private Key

Your ‘Private Key’ is another way to access your wallet, without having your ‘Keystore File’ and password.

NOTE: Do not store this key on your computer. Do not share this with anyone. Anyone with access to this has access to your account.

The best and safest method of securing your private key is to print it and keep it in a safe place. This can be done by simply clicking the “Print” button. It will look something like the below:

If you are unable to print your private key, we suggest making a note of the information provided on your private key. This information is accessible by clicking ‘Print”. If you are to choose this option, be sure to keep it somewhere safe and secure.

It is also recommended that you carefully hand-write the private key on a piece of paper.

Step 6: Unlocking Your Wallet

This is the screen you’ll get any time you try to do something in MyEtherWallet — you’ll have to “unlock” your wallet using either your Keystore file and password or your Private Key that’s on the paper wallet that you just printed out. Once you

You can use either — but for now, select “Keystore / JSON File” and then select the file “SELECT WALLET FILE…”. This is where you will need to select file you downloaded onto your computer at the beginning of the wallet creation process.

The name of the file will look something like:


Once you have selected the file you downloaded in Step 4, it will prompt you to enter in the password you created in Step 2.

Once you have entered your password in correctly, click “Unlock”. This will now grant you access to your account. This will then take you to a page that will display all of your account and wallet information.

Step 7: Your Wallet Address

In order to receive tokens, the sender needs to know where to send the tokens to. Following on from Step 6, click on the “View Wallet Info” tab, found on the navigation bar to display the necessary information.

Copy the address in the ‘Your Address’ text field. It should start with “0x”. Confirm this is the address by pasting it somewhere and comparing to the address listed. You can use this address to receive your RLP tokens.

Step 8: Add a custom token

After purchasing RLP, you will be able to view it by clicking on “Add Custom Token” button. Here you will copy the ERC20 Token address for RLP and the decimal values. The Token Symbol doesn’t actually matter, it’s just for your reference. This information will be sent to you when purchasing RLP and will be updated here.

The ticker is: RLP

Decimal: 18

Contract address: To be updated!

Important Information about the RLP Token Sale

rLoop Tokens (RLP) are ERC-20 compatible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.

The RLP is a cryptocurrency representing the currently held value of its community, its mission, its potential blockchain, finished goods, services, or coupons for finished goods and services. Its intended use is to participate in community decision making and to reward volunteers for their efforts. It can be used for strategic acquisitions and provided as grants to entrepreneurs building useful applications or services benefiting the rLoop Community. rLoop Tokens can only be used as outlined in the whitepaper, which may be subject to change.

Purchase of rLoop Tokens are non-refundable and purchases cannot be cancelled.

rLoop Tokens may have no value — you may lose all amounts paid. The success and evolution of RLP will depend on the development of a decentralized external community of Volunteers and users interested in using the RLP cryptocurrency. The White Paper contains express warnings that there is a significant risk that such a community will not develop, and that RLP will not become a viable and useful currency.

There is no representation, warranty, or guarantee that the process of purchasing rLoop Tokens or receiving rLoop Tokens will be uninterrupted or error-free or that the rLoop Tokens are reliable and error free.

Please read the entire rLoop Tokens Purchase Agreement and the terms of use carefully and in their entirety prior to sending ETH and purchasing rLoop Tokens.

Do not fund Token Distribution Contract from an account you do not control! RLP Tokens are allocated to the account that sent them. If you send from an exchange or other account that you do not control then you may not be able to claim your rLoop Tokens without their help, if at all.

Got Questions?

If you have any questions about this process and need to know more, please join our RLP Community Telegram channel here or email us: comms@rloop.org.

