What is the RLRF Training Bot?

Ajay Balakumaran
Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2019

The word RLRF has been familiar with the amateur runners across the world. It stands for Run Less Run Faster and the Training plan for the runners has been developed by Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training (FIRST®).

This training plan helps runners to optimize their training, maximize their running performance, and minimize injuries.

RLRF Approach:

The main approach followed by RLRF is Running 3 days a week with three different Key workouts (Track, Tempo & Long Run) and 2 days of Cross-Fit.

RLRF Training plan

RLRF Telegram Bot:

RLRF Bot is a third-party application that runs inside the messaging app Telegram. We can interact with the bot by sending commands or message.

RLRF Bot’s main function:

  • Generate the customized plan for the distance runner by getting their 5k Timing data.
  • View the customized plan.
  • Users can download the running related documents which will be useful for their training.

How to use RLRF Bot:

Users can access The RLRF Bot at rlrfbot. We can start chatting with the bot by sending /start or press the Start button to begin.

The first page of the Bot
Select the required option need to be done

The bot will ask you for a function which needs to be done. You can press on the required option from the below option.

Generate Plan:

It will generate the RLRF plan by getting the 5k timing from the user for their running requirements.

Users can select the 5k Timing(minute & second)from the user interface.

Select the 5K Timing in a minute
Select the seconds

Once user provided the timings bot will ask the user for the category of the race.

Select the respective running category to get the running plan.

Once the user selects the respective race category it will fetch the data and provide the corresponding plan details as shown below.

A customised plan for the user which has been generated by the RLRF Bot.

View Plan:

Training-Bot will take the 5k timing provided by the user and it will be stored in a Database so that users don’t need to generate the plan again if missed.

Related Documents:

Users will able to download the running related documents for their running plans. Training-Bot can fetch those documents and send to the users.

This Bot and Document has been developed by a member of Soles of Bangalore.



Ajay Balakumaran

Developer | Data Analyst | Avid learner | Crossfit Athlete | Percussionist | Dancer | Fitness Enthusiast