Kanaria Genesis Items — Overview

What are they? How many? Who owns what? — All your questions are answered here!

4 min readJan 12, 2023


Kanaria Bird with equipped items

The Kanaria NFT collection has an interesting feature that makes it stand out from the crowd. By being the first collection to use the RMRK 2.0 protocol, the Kanaria Genesis Birds can equip themselves with several Kanaria Genesis Items (and other compatible NFTs as well). This relationship makes an NFT the owner of another NFT in the blockchain records. Therefore, it can hold other NFTs in its inventory and equip them. Each Bird has several slots, like HAND, CHEST, HEAD, etc., where the other items are visually integrated. More detailed information can be found here.

Therefore, it is natural to wonder about the distribution of Kanaria Genesis Items, and this article will break down this for you.

Kanaria Items — Rarity and Distribution

The Kanaria Genesis Items are divided into collections: Background, Back, Chest, Foreground, Handheld, and Head. Each collection has rarity levels: common, rare, epic, and legendary.


The most scarce items are in the Back (420 items total) category, and in the Legendary rarity on Handheld (33 items) and Background (45 items).

Kanaria Birds — Most items

As the Kanaria Birds can hold items in their inventory, they become the owners of these NFTs on the blockchain records. The chart below shows The TOP 20 Kanaria Birds with the most items nested within.


Each Kanaria Bird can equip 7 items in their slots but can hold more items in their inventory, and we can see from the chart above that's the case. If you’re interested in going down the rabbit hole and checking out all the birds and items, you can do it in the next chart.


All birds are ordered by the number of items in their inventory. You can then choose one Bird from the list or search by the number of items on it. After finding a bird that interests you, you can click on the item and go to the Singular page for that bird.

Items Ownership — By Address

While most items are nested in the Kanaria birds, some can be found stand-alone, directly in the owner’s address. Taking the current data from the Items, and merging it with the information we gathered for our previous article on the Kanaria Birds, we can show the Top 20 addresses with more items.


The top 20 addresses hold 4288 items (24.7% of the total). In the chart, we highlighted how many items are held by a Bird owned by this address. One thing that is interesting to notice is that several addresses hold items directly, not connected with Kanaria Birds. That suggests these addresses may be focusing on the secondary market (we will check all buy transactions in a future article).

As the Items are meant to be used with the Kanaria Birds, we also looked at the correlation between the Top 20 Kanaria Bird owners and the Top 20 Item Owners in the chart below.


Some Top Kanaria Birds owners are more interested in holding items than others, and that reflects in the previous chart. As a result of that, some have as few as 15 items. On the Top 20 Item Owners, 8 positions have addresses that aren’t part of the Top Bird Owners list.

Top 20 Item Owners — Breakdown by Item


Going back to the Item Owners, when we analize their holdings by the items, what stands out is that collectively they hold a high percentage of Handheld (35.8%), Foreground (32.7%), and Back items (32.2%). And their percentage on the collection that have more items (Background), is way lower (19.7%) than their current % representation of the total (they hold 24.7% of all items).


In the next chart, you can check the current item list of each address, aggregated by the number of items, item type, and rarity. You can also filter the chart by address.



The Kanaria Genesis Items Collections has its own dynamic. While some of the top Bird Owners also have Items in their collections, the correlation is not that strong, since not all of them have many items. The Top 20 Item Holders focused on Back, Foreground and Handheld items, owning over 30% of these collections.

The trading activites on those collections will be analyzed in a future post.

