Kanaria Birds Dominated Singular’s February Trading Activity

SFY Labs takes the Top Spot among sellers with their Mr. White Hole Collection.

3 min readMar 8, 2023


February saw Singular having a trading volume of 2671 KSM, with 877 NFTs traded on the platform, from 100 collections. In this post, we will see the details of these numbers and check relevant differences with previous months

Trading Activity & Volume


The average trading volume was a little under 100 KSM/day, but we can see from the chart that the activity was not uniform throughout the month, with many peaks and valleys. In two days, the daily volume was over 300 KSM. When talking about the number of transactions, two days had an unusual spike, with over 70 transactions per day. The next chart takes a look at the activity of these peak days.


February 5th, with 89 transactions, was dominated by Sir_Plx5 purchases of NFT Virus collection items. What does he have in mind? 🤔

Kanbird 190 KSM transaction

February 9th had a 190 KSM transaction for a Kanbird, while the most expensive item on the 26th was a Kusama King. The second one was a Kusama Queen (same seller, but a different buyer), and there were also three rare Kanbirds sold.


One hundred collections were traded in January, and the chart below shows the top 10 in Transaction Volume.


The biggest difference between February and January was Xchimpz not making the TOP 10 in February (and it had a trading volume of over 1000 KSM in January). Kanaria Genesis Birds from RMRK held the top spot, while Trusted Contributors by Manta Network and Mr. Whitehole by Sky Labs completed the Top 3. These three collections accounted for over 65% of all trading volume in February.



On the Top 10 Sellers by Volume, the #1 position goes to SFY Labs, which sold 216 items from their Mr. White Hole Collection. Traders involved in secondary sales filled all other positions, with most selling high-value items. Special mention to GPTe4qifDM8QAEHWqe9ynrtXb3vCvBQqG2YaefQUGrRjBF5, which appeared on both January and February Top 10, with a cumulative volume of over 386 KSM.


Few transactions, high value. This is the overall scenario on the TOP 10 buyers, except for #10, as it bought 37 Trusted Contributors from Manta Network. DthL1FNHuZnspFYuap9KE2P2q8TeTbwV5BVASSMnEBRCCuw got the first place again, now having a cumulative buying volume of 701 KSM in January and February, especially focused on Kanaria Birds.



In February, the TOP 10 was dominated by Kanaria Birds, Kusama Kings, and Queens. The exception was #2, Guccio, from the Buddies Collection.


You can check all the transactions from February used to write this monthly recap in the table below:


About RMRK

RMRK is a next-generation NFT protocol that equips NFTs with superpowers, making it possible for NFTs to own other NFTs, change based on conditions, have multiple outputs depending on the context, accept emojis, and more.

With these legos, RMRK enables the creation of the most advanced NFT projects the world has ever seen while remaining compatible with archaic standards like ERC721 and ERC1155. You can explore this right now on Kanaria, RMRK’s flagship NFT Modular project; join the revolution in Skybreach, a truly decentralized metaverse; or trade advanced NFTs on Singular, the advanced NFT marketplace.


