Singular: Monthly Recap

Most RMRKable Stats of January

4 min readFeb 8, 2023


January was an interesting month! Singular had a trading volume of 4585 KSM, with 1019 NFTs traded on the platform, from 125 collections. In this post, we will expand the analysis of these numbers.

Trading Activity & Volume

January had four days with a daily volume of over 300 KSM. The 25th caught our attention, as it has a high volume with not that many transactions. Taking a closer look at which items were sold that day, we have the chart below.

On this day, several Kanaria Birds were traded, with values ranging from 30.11 to 15.58 KSM. That is something interesting to look into:

  • Is it common to have collection bulk buys?
  • How was the collections trading distribution over the month?
  • which collection was the most traded (in value and the number of items this month)?

Let’s check this in the next section!


125 collections were traded in January, and the chart below shows the top 10 in Transaction Volume.

Kanaria Birds and Xchimpz stand out volume-wise, with the latter trading 429 NFTs in January. Let us look at the trading distribution per collection over the month.

XChimpz had its distribution throughout the whole month, except for the last days. It spiked on the 11th but had other days with significant volumes.

Kanaria Birds, on the other hand, had over 25% of the trading volume in one day, the 25th.

What could be the reason? All the trades came from the same wallet? Was the seller the same, or was the buyer? The next section will show that.


On the Top 10 Sellers, the #1 position goes to the XChimps, which sold 419 NFTs from its collection to new users. Traders involved in secondary sales occupy the other places, and none sold that many Kanaria Birds.

The two first addresses concentred their buys on Kanaria Birds, a collection with a high average value per NFT, hence their volume. Two traders bought much more NFTs than the others, focusing primarily on the XChimpz collection (with an average price of 3.14 KSM).

The next chart helps answer whether the 2 Top buyers can be responsible for the spike in Kanaria Birds sales on the 25th.

This chart, combined with this previous one, can provide the information that we were looking for about the spike on January 25th: DY2ti9LfhnBmyeTrwJ2AR5z679CVteupD8qVuFWjPSxHu3g went into a shopping spree, buying 16 Kanaria Birds in the same day!


In the Top 10 most expensive items, nine positions were filled with Kanaria Birds, and the honorable exception was an Ape from Chaos-DAO Apes, in second place. This collection has only 99 NFTs, and their average price is slightly above 200 KSM.

The 2 Kanaria Birds that complete the Top 3, on the other hand, are special, as they carry Njordson gems, which explains their higher price.

These gems give the NFTs holders access to 19.7% of the RMRK team’s profits.

All the transactions from January used to write this monthly recap can be found in the table below:

About RMRK

RMRK is a next-generation NFT protocol that equips NFTs with superpowers, making it possible for NFTs to own other NFTs, change based on conditions, have multiple outputs depending on the context, accept emojis, and more.

With these legos, RMRK enables the creation of the most advanced NFT projects the world has ever seen while remaining compatible with archaic standards like ERC721 and ERC1155. You can explore this right now on Kanaria, RMRK’s flagship NFT 2.0 project; join the revolution in Skybreach, a truly decentralized metaverse; or trade advanced NFTs on Singular, the advanced NFT marketplace.


