Skybreach Land Owners

The Land Sale is over! So who owns the biggest piece of land? Who are the most powerful “Land Lords”?

5 min readDec 28, 2022


Skybreach is a metaverse game part of the RMRK ecosystem. It leverages the world’s most powerful NFT minting engine: the RMRK standard.

This standard allows developers to create their NFTs with unique capabilities, including multi-resources, “nesting,” and others. In the Skybreach context, this will enable each plot of land to own resources (think of gold, mana, wood, etc.) and modify the behavior and characteristics of other NFTs interacting with it.

The Land Sale just finished, and it feels interesting to look at some metrics to check the plot sales and distribution. This post will give a general overview, with all data pulled from Moonriver Block Explorer and Skyland Squid. If a chart takes too long to load, you can click on the link below to access the chart on a separate page.

The first Skyland had 25000 plots available, and all available for purchase are now gone. Some plots could be bought only with credits, and you can find all the rules about the sale here.

Sales distribution by date

First things first! How was the sale distributed in time? Starting on 17/06/22 and going up to the end of the year, this was the number of plots sold by each day.

There were three big action moments: The first day, in the Kokopelli phase, with 2206 plots sold (total sold in this phase: 5509); the first day of the Kanaria phase, with 5837 plots sold (total sold in this phase: 7754), and the last 3 days of the Dutch Auction phase, with 3328plots sold.

That shows the engagement of the community with the Land Sale, as the two first phases had a big volume, representing 25% and 35% of all plots sold so far (in only eight days!).

Plot ownership

There are a few things to notice here: the first one is that addresses owning 9+ plots, representing only 19.5% of all buyers (370 addresses), hold over 84.9% of all plots sold so far (18692 plots)! So there are serious “Land Lords” in the game!

The chart above shows the top 25 Land Owners (with the total of plots they own) and that some of them leveraged the bulk buying feature (click and drag to select more than one plot), while others didn’t use the feature at all.

A complete distribution of all plots is shown in the next chart. Here you can check all plots each address currently holds by clicking on a specific square/rectangle. You can also filter by plot ID.

It is also possible to check the plot on the Skybreach map by clicking on the link on the popup when you hover the mouse over a point of the chart (a new tab will open with the Skybreach map).

Transactions with 9+ plots

The land sale incentivized bulk buys to go for bonuses for owning adjacent plots.

See the bonus here

With this information, we can filter all transactions with 9+ plots. These can indicate that the buyer was trying to get the bonus. The chart below shows these transactions and a path to verify the plots within them on the Skybreach map.

These are the transactions with 9+ plots inside of them. While making several transactions to obtain the same results was possible, the logical path was to do this. When clicking in a circle (representing a transaction), you can check all plot IDs inside of it and then use the link on the popup to verify the plot on the Skybreach map. You can filter the transactions by address to check which players used this method.

And by searching for the plot ID on the map, you can check the plot owner of this and the surrounding plots.

Purchase strategies!

Looking at the TOP 25 transactions by value, we can see a big difference in the average value and purchase strategy. Transactions with a high average value and a low number of plots focused on Epic and Rare plots. Transactions with a low average value and a high number of plots focused on getting adjacent plots bonuses. You verify the transactions by clicking on the chart.

Epic and Rare buys

Some transactions aimed exclusively at obtaining Epic and Rare plots. From the 1000 total supply, 499 Epic plots (almost 50%!) were bought in transactions with only this type of plot. 1393 Rare plots also were bought this way (from a 5000 supply).

Some TOP 25 buyers also used this strategy (although not that extensively). We can see in the chart below how many plots each one bought.

TL;DR — What now?

The Skybreach Sale Phase presented an opportunity to apply several strategies to get the best balance between the number of plots acquired and the bonus received. 1890 Land Owners are controlling the plots of the first Skyland.

What can you do now if you miss the opportunity? You can make an offer on a plot of your choice by accessing the Skybreach map and clicking on the “Buy / Offers” button to place yours. If the Landowner accepts it, you will have the plot. Now we are in the Secondary Sales Phase, where the community will find new prices for the most coveted plots.

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