Wardrobe Preview — a new way to interact with Modular NFTs.

Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2024

NFT enthusiasts, rejoice! Singular, the premier marketplace for Modular NFTs, has launched a revolutionary new feature — Wardrobe Preview. This innovative tool allows you to experiment with dressing up your primary NFT and create dream NFT combinations, without needing to own any of the NFTs involved!

NFTs that can be equiped into other NFTs and thus changing its visual appearance and data.

Effortlessly Explore Compatible NFTs:
Wardrobe Preview streamlines the process of finding NFTs that seamlessly integrate with your existing collection. Browse a vast selection of compatible equipable NFTs and unleash your creativity by trying different combinations.

Filter for Your Needs:
Singular understands that collectors have diverse preferences. The Wardrobe Preview feature offers a variety of filtering options to cater to your needs. Choose from “Buy Now” for immediate acquisition, “Auction” to participate in exciting bidding wars, or “Owned Only” to see NFTs exclusively from your own collection. We included also some more filters to make your experience even more suitable to your needs.

Visualize Your Dream Collection:
The true magic of Wardrobe Preview lies in its ability to showcase a complete preview of your avatar adorned with all the chosen NFTs. See exactly how different pieces would look together before you commit to buying.

Effortless Navigation Between Preview and Purchase:
Once you’ve styled your avatar to perfection, Singular makes it easy to take action. With a single click, you can either view detailed information about a particular NFT or proceed directly to purchasing it, adding that coveted piece to your collection.

A New Era for RMRK Modular NFTs
Singular’s Wardrobe Preview ushers in a new era for RMRK’s innovative modular NFT standard. This powerful tool empowers creators to showcase the versatility of their work and collectors to explore the boundless possibilities of the NFT universe. We are no longer constrained to boring static jpegs. The power now is also in the hands of collectors.

So, dive into Singular’s Wardrobe Preview and discover a world of limitless NFT combinations. Experiment, explore, and express yourself through the limitless potential of modular NFTs!

Try it even if you don’t own any NFT: https://singular.app/collectibles/base/0x011ff409bc4803ec5cfab41c3fd1db99fd05c004/7055



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Outreach Growth Manager for RMRK.app. Visionary and Psychedelic Artist