Toddler Groups & Vision

Lichfield RNG Team
RNG Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2017

Church based toddler groups are increasingly recognised as a mission opportunity and a valuable resource within the community. Research from the Family Matters Institute shows that 52% of the UK’s under-5s attend a church-based toddler group,(1) meaning approximately 2 million children regularly attend a Church setting with their family to play in a safe environment.

We should celebrate and feel encouraged that lots of church toddler groups have been running for many years with enormous commitment from volunteers and paid staff. However, over time some groups drift from their original vision and sharing the Christian faith with those attending may get lost along the way. Research demonstrates that families with young children are keen to hear about Jesus and the Christian faith and approach Church toddler groups with that expectation.(2)

Most successful toddler groups have a shared vision and strategy. This usually outlines clearly who the group is aimed at, its purpose, and how it fits into Church’s wider vision and strategy. Any vision and strategy should outline how the group will demonstrate that it is distinctively Christian, and include expectations on volunteers and staff about how they will share the Christian faith with those attending through great hospitality, sharing bible stories, offering to pray for both parents and children, being attentive to children’s spiritual development, or perhaps providing practical support. Taking time out to pray and reflect on your toddler group using some key questions can help re-focus the work you do and start the journey toward a distinctly Christian focus.

If you’re looking to develop a new strategy or vision for your work with toddlers, get in touch with Laura Edwards, the RNG Team’s 0–5s & Families Enabler on or by visiting our website.


(1) Children’s Workforce Development Council, ‘More than Sundays’ report, 2009 available from The Family Matters Institute (

(2) Toddler Group Research, 9Dot Research, 2016, accessed at: 02/03/2016.

Other Resources:

For more information about public perceptions on Jesus, visit

Laura Edwards is the RNG Team’s 0–5s & Families Enabler.

