Cameron Crain
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2020


No Matter the Outcome, There Will Be One Winner — Nevada Innovation

The election is finally coming, and soon it will be time for us to move forward as a country one way or another.

The last thing any of us needs is another article roasting 2020, or discussing the challenges of COVID. So I’m going to go back — way back in time to help us move forward.

Let’s start with Nevada’s birthday.

Nevadans are proud of our colorful history, and for good reason. After all, President Lincoln made us a state on October 31st, 1864 — that’s right, on Halloween! He needed our help to make the nation a better place. We gave him the votes, we gave the Union Silver, and the rest is history.

But what often goes under looked is the role that technology played in making this possible.

Let’s be clear. Nevadans were innovative from the beginning — even back when we were part of the Utah Territory. The Comstock Lode succeeded, in part, because in 1860 German engineer Philip Deidesheimer, inspired by a honeybee’s comb, invented square-set timbering — a framing system that used interlocking rectangular timber sets to support the unstable rocks. And the companies also relied on the advancements of the V-flume to more efficiently transport logs to the mills that fueled the mines.

Now imagine the scene: it’s the fall of 1864. Lincoln is up for re-election during the Civil War. Nevada’s three electoral votes would be significant to him remaining President for a second term. And contributions from the Comstock Lode can fuel his waning Army. But for this to be possible, Congress needed to read and approve the Nevada constitution. The problem was that paper copies, sent by train in September, still hadn’t arrived in the nation’s capital by the end of October.

What to do? They certainly couldn’t expect the Pony Express to be much help! So, how did they get from Carson City to Washington, D.C. in a matter of days? What was the solution?


On October 26 and 27, 1864, Acting Governor Nye sent the Silver State’s Constitution via telegraph — 16,543 words — the longest in history at the time! Congress received it, and voted in favor of it just in time.

So, what can we learn from this?

In 2020 Nevada needs to stay true to our roots. From the beginning we have been bold, confident and all about innovation. Now is no different.

The future is bright for business and tech in Nevada.

The great migration from larger, expensive, heavily-taxed cities has begun. We see it every day.

70% of the startup companies that applied to RNOX were from out of state. Early stage entrepreneurs — young and middle aged — are attracted here. And why shouldn’t they be? We have 275 days of sunshine every year combined with a pro-business infrastructure.

Our state and federal leaders get it. They see the value in truly diversifying Nevada. Earlier last week we were on a call with Senator Rosen discussing STEM actions statewide. RNOX has taken this to heart. We feel a responsibility to help train the Nevada workforce, and to help guide our future tech and business leaders. UNR and UNLV also get it. We see our friends in Higher Ed working hard to create opportunities for our students. We all are doing our part to diversify the ecosystem and transform the use of technology in our state.

Remember this. No matter what happens with the Presidential election this week, Nevada and Nevada Innovation wins.

Stay cool, Nevada. The future is bright.

