Free Coronavirus Telehealth Assessments, Powered by Ro

Zachariah Reitano
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2020



In March, Ro launched the first free COVID-19 telehealth assessment available nationwide. Since then, Ro has helped patients in every state plus Washington, DC as well as more than 70 companies and organizations with our free assessment. With more COVID-19 virtual assessments and in-person care services now available, Ro has turned our focus to the greatest patient need at this time: providing accurate, up-to-date health information on Ro’s COVID-19 Resource Hub. As part of this transition, Ro’s Coronavirus Telehealth Assessment is no longer live as of October 1, 2020.

On March 4th, Ro launched a free telehealth triage service for people who are seeking guidance and information about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). If an individual thinks they may be experiencing signs or symptoms of the novel coronavirus, they can complete Ro’s online assessment and, if appropriate, Ro will connect them with a provider, who will follow up via secure messaging, phone or video consultation

The CDC and other public health agencies have encouraged patients and providers to have remote consultations (phone, video, text) as an initial step. Telehealth services like Ro’s have key public health benefits during a crisis:

  • Unburden the system: Through telehealth consultation, Ro can keep low-risk patients from going to the hospital or doctor’s office and free up appointments and hospital beds for people who need them most. Telehealth can mitigate the risk of health centers from getting overwhelmed with patients. Ro will help facilitate in-person care for higher risk patients.
  • Increase safety: For low-risk patients, it might be more dangerous to spend time in a hospital or clinic than to self-quarantine at home.
  • Provide care quickly: People have easy, free access to a doctor and can avoid typically long wait times.
  • Track spread to help with containment: Ro is collecting valuable data about symptoms, geography, and travel history that can be shared with public health officials in an anonymized format.

It’s important to reiterate, Ro is not providing diagnosis or testing for COVID-19.

As soon as we launched, companies, health care institutions, government agencies, and individuals reached out to see how they could spread the word and help. Startups wanted to offer it to their employees. Online education platforms were interested in offering it to their students at home. Marketplaces wanted to offer it to their freelancers, especially those who may not be insured.

While we’re in uncharted territory and uncertain times, the optimist in me is grateful people have been willing to work together, day and night, to lend a hand in whatever way they could.

For more information on the novel coronavirus, see Ro’s Coronavirus Information Hub with aggregated links to CDC, WHO, healthcare institutions, and news organizations.

Thank you for lending a hand to help during this crisis:

