5 Apps That Help You Stay Focused While Driving

Michel Sabeth
road safety measure
4 min readOct 5, 2016

Talking over the phone while driving is absolutely wrong. This not only distracts you but can be a reason for a terrible accident. We all know about the safety manual while driving. But few are there who follow. The number of accidents has increased these days, this is happening because people are not focused while driving.

Drivemode: Driving interface

The most interesting factor about Drivemode is that it helps you stay focused on road rather than on your phone. What you need to do is, just reply on the broad swipes, click on your voice to control the navigation, change the songs and contact the friends and respond to the messages without even looking at your phone’s screen.

This app is so user-friendly that large automobile companies are trying to install it in their vehicles.

Safe Driving + Auto SMS

This app basically automatically replies to calls and sms while you are driving. It also saves your money, time and health. Many Americans do complain about drivers driving while talking over phone. This is a very wrong practice that may result in deadly accidents. Writing text while driving is actually much more dangerous.

This app is getting popular each day because of its user-friendly features.

GPS Speedometer Alarm

This app is an intelligent speed detector app for the vehicles. It also serves as an entertainment app. It is true that while we drive on a road we generally tend to forget the speed limit. With this app at your side, you will face no risk of exceeding the speed limit. You just need to turn on your GPS Speedometer Alarm app and then set a speed limit. While you exceed the speed limit, this app will start producing a sound that will alarm you and immediately you will lower down the speed.


  • The app detects the speed of automobiles.
  • You can enter your own speed limit in terms of miles or kilometers per hour.
  • The app shows two kinds of speeds — Set Speed and Top Speed. The “Set Speed” is the speed limit set by you and the “Top Speed” is your vehicle’s maximum speed reached in a drive.
  • It also serves as an entertainment app. While traveling on any vehicle, you can check the speed it is traveling in and amuse your co- passenger.

Safely Go

It is not at all easy to stay focused on road, while our cell phones ask for our attention. But turning it off won’t ever change the situation, your mind will always be towards the phone. But safely go will receive all your calls and reply to your text messages while you drive safely.


  • It allows only calls and texts.
  • It tells all your near and dear ones that you are on road.
  • It allows calls through your blue tooth device.
  • It gives you a access to maps, music and navigations.

Drive Safe

There is an on/off button in the app which you can click and choose to start or stop the app’s function. If the button indicates red then the drive safe is switched off and if green then it’s running. It can also be switched on using the auto start.

This app is made in Ireland, it can understand when the user is driving using an auto start. As soon as it detects that you are using it in auto start, it automatically puts your phone in the silent mode and auto replies your calls and texts. This app is very helpful and user-friendly.

Download these apps and be safe on road. These apps can save you from unwanted accidents and protect you from violating traffic rules.



Michel Sabeth
road safety measure

I work as a Technical Content Writer and therefore, I understand the need for unique, engaging and well-researched content. I’m also very focused and passionate