Road to NextGen Gaming

Ten Weeks with a PS5, Five Important Things Learned

Sony’s system is still very young but a few everyday-life findings deserve mentioning

Kostas Farkonas
Turn On | Press Play
6 min readJan 19, 2021


Living for some time with a new tech product can lead to interesting discoveries, so here are 5 of those about the PS5. (Image credit: Magda Elhers, Pexels)

So it’s been about two and a half months now since I unboxed my PlayStation5 and I’ve been using it every single day since then (as have other family members) for work as well as for fun (not related to work). When reviewing a consumer product of this kind it’s not unusual to find out or appreciate in a different way things that take some time to become apparent. Were there any such things in the case of the PS5?

Well, yes, they were — five of them, in fact. Here they are, into the context that 75 days of use can offer.

Operating speed cannot be overstated

It’s one thing to write about it as part of the overall reporting on a new system, it’s quite another to live it day in and day out for months: the PS5 is very, very fast in operation. So much so that it really does change the way a gamer uses it. Sony and Microsoft were not kidding when they argued that with their new systems they expect to see more user engagement based on their systems’ operating speed alone. With the ultra-fast SSD of the PS5 you just don’t think about the “getting ready to play”…



Kostas Farkonas
Turn On | Press Play

Veteran journalist, project kickstarter, tech nut, cynical gamer, music addict, movie maniac | Medium top writer in Television, Movies, Gaming |