Maintaining perspective in times of crisis

Road to self discovery
3 min readMar 18, 2020

We are in the midst of an unprecedented crisis of our lives. Covid-19 has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of this epidemic is unfolding right in front of our eyes as we adapt to the new norms of our daily lives. In this time of fear and uncertainty, it is very important to maintain a balanced perspective. We can not deny our fear, nor can we let it consume us. This afternoon as I was preparing lunch at home, I remembered a story from my middle school days that never left my consciousness. I would like to share it with you all as it has some valuable life lessons hidden in it. The story goes like this,

Once upon a time, there was a remote village. Its inhabitants felt very burdened by their problems and used to complain a lot. God heard their pleas and asked an angel to announce that the next day everyone should gather in the center of the village. The next day the whole village was there. The angel announced that God is allowing all of the people to get rid of their current problems. People were asked to throw their problems in an open space in the middle of the congregation. Soon there was a huge pile of problems. Problems like a limp in the foot, weak eyesight, crooked nose, not enough money, ungrateful family members, unloving spouse, being overweight, psychological problems and so on. Soon after this, another announcement was made that now quickly pick up your problem back. In a panic, everyone rushed in and end up picking someone else problem. Once the chaos settled down, people realized that the new problems were worse than their original problems. Somehow, they had learned to adapt and live with their original problems. Now people were more upset and their complaints grew manifolds.

There are many lessons we can drive from this story. One is that we compare our problems with others and think they are better off. Secondly, when God gives us a problem He also gives us the ability to deal with it. In the Quran, God says

I find solace in my faith and particularly in this verse as I feel helpless in the face of this epidemic. In times like this when fear is running us, we have started to lose our sense of unity and common humanity. We seem to be losing perspective that we are in this together. This virus does not differentiate between race, ethnicity, borders or political affiliation for that matter.

Let us be with our fear, acknowledge it and act in a responsible way. Practice social distancing, stop hoarding essentials and stop spreading misinformation. Call and check on your friends, family, and neighbors.We have the technology, tools, and means to face this calamity.

Below is a link to a free seminar that can help us put things in perspective and to use our emotions and intellect to guide us

Thank you

