More than “Disturbed”

Road to self discovery
1 min readJun 12, 2020

Since the senseless and brutal killing of George Floyd by a white cop in Minneapolis, I have been hearing some people expressing their feelings by using the word “disturbed”. I have noticed that the word “disturbed” is mostly being used by the white Americans in group discussions, on my social media, and in news media. This word “disturbed” has been getting on my nerves lately. I feel enraged and sad at the use of this word in the context of Black Lives Matter and the systematic discrimination in our country.

I would feel disturbed, if I was deep asleep and somebody woke me up. Not when a fellow human being is suffocated to death by a policeman. Some people are feeling disturbed because they are forced to look at their racism and prejudice. The silence of the majority had been deafening for centuries and this new realization is a rude awakening. The proper response would be an outrage and deep sadness towards this system of racism, inequality, and injustice. Please, do not support this inhumane system by staying silent and finding excuses. Please, speak up, talk to your kids, family members, colleagues, and neighbors.

Thank you

